Page 21 - Martial Science August #22-2017
P. 21

Shihan Miguel Ochoa representative   of the USA Jyoshinmon
              in America of the USA Jyoshinmon
              Shorin Ryu Karate Do and Armando   Shorin Ryu Karate Do that
              Paz   secretary of  the  USA  Jyoshin-  is always present in any
              mon Shorin Ryu Karate Do Federa-  competition.

              This even was  also ai-            The  fundamental  reason
              ded in its development by        for this event is to create
              Miami Karate do Alliance         bonds of friendship within
              and its director Jesus Cos-      the different styles since
              tas, also to speak that our      we all have something that

              karate alliance has the idea     unites us, that is THE KA-
              to develop in our Latin          RATE,  within  this  sports
              and American communi-            framework students bene-
              ty of south florida karate,      fit to be better individuals
              the martial values of kara-      and future men and wo-
              te, also this Alliance works     men important for society.
              directly with the National
              Federation of American           This event was held in fra-
              Karate (USANKF). Also            ternity and harmony with

              it’s  important  to  mention     excellent results showing
              the support and help of          the incredible technical le-
              Sensei  Armando  Paz  se-        vel of their dojos and ins-
              cretary of the in America        tructors. They competed

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