Page 19 - Martial Science August #22-2017
P. 19

We fought for 90 minutes,
              Royce and I, until finally a                                      In addition, famous stars
              towel flew into the ring from                                     of  action films such as Bi-
              the Gracie corner. It was over                                    lly Blanks (King of the Kic-
              and I was the victor.                                             kboxer, Talons of the Eagle,
                                                                                Bloodfist ) and Mariano “Big
              They put their lives on the                                       Dawg” Mendoza  (Better Call
              line to fight for the honor of                                    Saul and Training Day) have
              their family.                                                     exceptionally    participated
                                                                                as guest-stars in the web-se-
              On the other hand, I fought                                       ries. Among other things, lo-
              for the love of my fans. I fou-                                   cal San Diego talent such as
              ght tooth and nail to give                                        Merrick McCartha, Tahir Hu-
              them a show they can enjoy,                                       bbard, and  Angelique  Ken-
              the show they deserve.                                            ney are also starring with
                                                                                Alan Delabie. This series,
              Two fighters came right at                                        mixed mixed with drama,
              each other from opposite                                          action, romance, friendship
              corners to fight with conflic-                                    and comedy, tells the story of
              ting purpose and for com-                                         a Frenchman named Franck
              pletely different reasons.                                        Denard. Suffering from a se-
                                                                                vere brain tumor, his days
              This wave of energy crackled                                      are numbered. He’s then sent
              through the audience, and                                         to the United States to un-
              the higher the voltage rose,                                      dergo secret experimental
              the more serene I became,                                         tests.
              of the next move. I remember  Anatomy of                          The antihero Franck Denard
              my mind clear thinking only
              it like it was yesterday.          an Antihero                    (Alan Delabie) is a character
                                                                                that pays homage to  people
              Those  battles  with  the  Gra-                                   who  fight  against  their  di-
              cie Family have been worth                    2                   sease every day. Its purpose
              their weight in gold in terms                                     is to give hope and meaning
              of experience.                                                    to people whose lives can
                                                                                be shortened at any time.
              The thought I put into coun-     Alan Delabie has been prac-      “To live the present moment
              ter strategies has dramati-      ticing martial arts since at     and to fight to the last brea-
              cally expandedthe range of       a young age. He is a Euro-       th for his convictions and for
              techniques available to me.      pean champion of artistic        his loved ones”. Part 3 is cu-
              Even now as I train, I conti-    nunchaku and a specialist in     rrently in preparation.
              nue  to  discover  many  new     cinematic karate. Like many
              techniques and strategies.       fans of Bruce Lee, martial       The “Anatomy of Antihero”
              Grappling is especially deep     arts have given him self-con-    web-series, by Alan Dela-
              and complex, and exploring       trol but also exemplary cou-     bie, was officially selected in
              its possibilities will continue   rage and unfailing  tenacity    both the July 2017  Los An-
              to be an important focus for     to achieve his dreams in the     geles Awards Festival and
              me”.                             field of cinema.                 London Independent Film
                                                                                Festival. The web-series has
                                               Thus, from Paris, Los Ange-      also received a nomination
                                               les to his favorite city San     for Best Actor of the Los An-
                                               Diego, Alan Delabie has          geles Actors Awards. Alan
                                               created his  own web-series      is currently involved in a
                                               Anatomy of an Antihero 2,        Western modern horror film
                                               now available on Amazon          Bloodslinger where he plays
                                               Video. The volume 2 of the       the  role of  sheriff  Alan Ga-
                                               web-series  was made enti-       lant. The film is scheduled to
                                               rely in California (in Los An-   come out around the end of
                                               geles and San Diego) with a      2017.
                                               promising director, Meosha

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