Page 20 - Martial Science August #22-2017
P. 20
he Miami Interna- ca of the USA Jyoshin- of young people from di-
tional Karate Cup mon Shorin Ryu Karate fferent ages and levels of
T2017 was celebra- Do, this tournament had karate, also where present
ted on Sunday, June 4 in the participation of some referees of the aforemen-
the area of Hialeah Gar- styles of karate, Goju Ryu, tioned styles headed by
dens (FL). The promoters Shito Ryu, Shotokan, Jyos- Karate Alliance, one of
of this event where the sen- hinmon Shorin Ryu, with a them was shihan Carlos
sei Rubert Brito president total of 145 athletes. Quitero, Shihan Jose Fun-
of the Daimyo Shotokan dora and shihan Jesus Cos-
Karate Do Federation and This tournament was held tas, all of them contributed
the Shihan Miguel Ochoa in a framework of cordia- much to make this event a
representative in Ameri- lity with a vast majority success.