Page 18 - Martial Science August #22-2017
P. 18

Kazushi Sakuraba

                   UFC Hall Of Fame

              MMA legend  Kazushi Saku-        I was surprised to find myself  those challenges that I was
              raba is the fourth and final  in the octagon facing a giant  able to make an impression
              member of the 2017 UFC Hall  of a man, some 50 pounds  on the fans.
              of Fame class, officials an-     heavier.
              nounced Saturday night.                                           I’m an athlete, but I’m also a
                                               Of course he was all about  professional wrestler. I’ve li-
              Although Sakuraba compe-         power and he put the pres-       ved and breathed wrestling
              ted just twice under the UFC  sure on, but I was able to  and my very cells have ab-
              banner at “UFC Japan” in  achieve a win with an arm-              sorbed it until wrestling has
              1997, he took part in some  bar.                                  bonded to my DNA.
              of the most notable fights in
              the sport’s history under the  For all intents and purposes,  “A match is a form of com-
              now-defunct PRIDE banner  that fight is my MMA debut. It  munication  shared with the
              during his nearly 20-year ca-    was a baptism of fire thanks  audience.”
              reer.                            to the weight difference, but
                                               I was able  to overcome  the  Nothing gives me more pri-
              “I can’t express how deeply  challenge.                           de as a wrestler than being
              moved I am to receive this                                        able to tell a great story.
              honor.                           I dreamed of being a
                                               pro-wrestler and I joined a  When a fan sees me face off
              Up to this point, I’ve lived a  professional wrestling orga-      against a much larger oppo-
              life without awards and tit-     nization.                        nent and it inspires them to
              les.                                                              take on difficult  challenges
                                               In wrestling, weight differen-   in their lives, as a professio-
              It was some years ago that I  ces are commonplace and  nal, nothing could make me
              last won something - it was  fights between Davids and  happier.
              first prize in a BINGO game.     Goliaths are a great gimmick
                                               to please the fans.              The MMA fights that fans tell
              And I won a pair of tickets to                                    me had an effect on their li-
              Tokyo Disney Sea.                In MMA, however, you’ve got  ves are from when I took on
                                               a lot more on the line.          the Gracie family, especially
              This award is my successful  In a competition, weight di-         the fight with Royce Gracie.
              follow up to that.,” It’s been  fference can seriously affect  From a modern MMA fan’s
              20 years since I stepped into  a match.                           point of view, it was an un-
              the UFC Octagon.                                                  believably crazy match.
                                               I’ve faced  such challenges
              Now that I think about it, a  time and time again and I  15 minutes per round, with
              different fighter was suppo-     know more than most the di-      no round limit. The only way
              sed to fight, but was injured  fficulty that such a situation  to win was with a tap out.
              and I was a last-minute re-      presents.                        There was no allowance for
              placement.                                                        referees to stop the fight, an
                                               But, I’ve never, ever regretted  unprecedented rule, and so
              I got the offer a mere 4 days  fighting those fights. It’s is  the match was labeled a “hi-
              before.                          precisely because I took on  gh-noon duel”.

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