Page 45 - Martial Science August #22-2017
P. 45




                     The Two Distinctive

                        Characteristics of

                       Buddhism -Part 3

                    [Recorded by Yin Hai] (Translated by Tan
                    Beng Tiong, edited by Ke Rong, proofread
                            by Shi Neng Rong. (5-10-96)

                      The Union of Compassion and Wisdom

                A  common  saying  in  Buddhism,  “to develop  and
                practise both  compassion  and wisdom,”  indicates
                that compassion and wisdom are inseparable and
                integral elements of the path  of Buddha Dharma.
                The contents and functions of ‘loving kindness and
                compassion’  are similar  to those of ‘benevolence’
                in  Chinese  thought, and of ‘love’  in  Western  phi-
                losophy. However, loving kindness and compassion
                do not entirely and exclusively consist of sympathy
                and caring. They must also move in parallel with
                the Truth. Therefore, boundless compassion cannot
                be accomplished without wisdom. Moralities origi-
                nate from loving kindness and compassion and they
                cannot be established without these two elements.
                Their presence constitutes the  main criterion for
                moral evaluation. Whether or not an action is truly
                ethical depends on whether there are elements of
                loving  kindness  and compassion  present amongst
                the actor’s motives.

                Compassion  is  having  sympathy for someone. For
                example, when we know that someone is facing dif-
                ficulties, the feelings of care and concern for them

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