Page 47 - Martial Science August #22-2017
P. 47
fully rewards deeds law by which our who are sentimen-
that are good and society necessarily tal tend to be more
punishes those that abides. Such natural egocentric. Both of
are evil. It is a sim- law can motivate these personality
ilar situation to a and encourage peo- types cannot be re-
person walking up a ple to act positively garded as the ide-
staircase, who may and to promote the al models for ap-
fall down if he is not life we truly share, proaching life. In
careful enough, and honoring the mo- Buddhism, the right
thus will be respon- rality which truly purpose for life is
sible for any painful serves our common grounded upon the
outcome. Accord- life. unification of wis-
ing to Buddhism, dom and faith, and
wholesome deeds Most religions in upon the union of
naturally produce general lack wis- compassion and
pleasant results dom, and therefore wisdom. Faith, wis-
and unwholesome the love they preach dom and compas-
actions naturally is limited. In Bud- sion constitute the
produce unpleas- dhism, wisdom is the three core teach-
ant consequenc- core of the teaching, ings in Mahayana
es. Those who do and compassion is Buddhism. By culti-
not understand the the core of the prac- vating these three
working of this nat- tice. Boundless com- components in a
ural Law of Cause passion can only balanced way and
and Effect may think be found amongst by following a prop-
that the teaching those who have at- er sequence in our
regarding it is mere tained ultimate wis- practices we may
utilitarianism. In dom. As the saying ennoble ourselves
fact, the fundamen- in the Sutra, and progress from
tal criterion in Bud- our original state of
dhism for distin- “The heart of Bud- limited personhood
guishing wholesome dha is boundless to the final achieve-
from unwholesome loving kindness and ment of supreme
actions, by reason- compassion.” Buddhahood.
able means, is the
character of their Since Mahayana Our life span is only
impact upon human Buddhism empha- a few short decades.
relationships. Those sizes the character- We should make
actions which are istics of the Buddha’s good use of our
in accord with the land and helping of precious time, and
law of morality, and all sentient beings, seize the opportu-
which will gener- these practices of nity life represents.
ate good results, are the Dharma cannot Making this Dharma
regarded as whole- be accomplished our ideal, and our
some. Those actions if one lacks great perfect template for
that are unreason- compassion. living, hence dignify
able and harmful our lives whilst as-
to ourselves and to Human beings are cending the pinna-
others, and which of differing habit- cle of their potential.
sow seeds for a bit- ual characteristics.
terly fruitful harvest Those who empha-
of suffering, are re- size wisdom tend
garded as unwhole- to be eccentric and
some. This is not usually are not keen
mere utilitarianism, to associate with
but is the natural other people. Those
AUGUST/2017 47