Page 36 - Martial Science 3_Neat
P. 36
Sifu Justin Cataldi
Creative Warrior
Academy Of Las Vegas
Sifu Justin Cataldi started training Tibe- Through the versatility of these teachers he
was able to train in a variety of arts and also
tan Lama Kung Fu at the age of 13 under Sifu was a tournament fighter who frequently com-
Steven Greenbaum, who is a Black Sash un- peted in
der Sifu Jack Soderberg, who also went on
to be the CEO of Postnet and appeared on a Grapplers Quest , the World Martial Arts
episode of the TV show the Undercover Boss. Championships & the San Diego Grand Natio-
nals where he was awarded a 1st place gold
At age 22 he started training with grappling/ medal, a 3rd place Bronze Medal and a 3rd
MMA expert David Howard who went on to be and 4th place trophy.
the head Jiu Jitsu Instructor at Fight Capitol
in Las vegas, and is a Black Belt under John Sifu Justin now has been teaching mar-
Lewis. tial arts for 5 yrs and is a 3rd Degree Blach
Sash under Sifu Jack and a Kali/JKD instruc-
He was extremely fortunate at age 28 to tor under Guro Rich. He has a true passion
start training with Guro Richard Lamoureaux for sharing the arts and helping people try to
who is under GM Danny Inosanto , GM Ted better themselves through the arts. His main
Lucay Jr. & Paul Vunak to name a few of his focus now is Filipino Martial Arts, Street Self
Instructors. Defense and Weapons Training, and wishes
to share this rare art with America.
At that time Sifu Justin was able to also
study Lama Kung Fu, Tai Chi & Kickboxing
with Sifu Jack Soderberg who is under GM
Wai Lun Choi.