Page 38 - Martial Science 3_Neat
P. 38
Flexibility Training
Part I
By: Lic. Henry Binerfa
“Flexibility is the natural biological ability men ge of motion about a joint due to the protago-
have to perform full range of motion, due to the nist’s contraction and the antagonist’s stretching.
mobility to articulate and elasticity of the mus-
cles, ligaments and tendons by itself and under
external influences, partially conditioned by
1. Passive Flexibility General Flexibility: it is known as the main joint
2. Active Flexibility systems’ development (humeral-scapula, femo-
3. General Flexibility ral-lame, and spinal-cord).
4. Specific Flexibility
5. Stretching. Specific Flexibility: it refers to the development
of a specific joint which determines the success
Passive Flexibility: it refers to the maximum ran- in a sport modality (E.g. the hurdler with the
ge of motion a sportsman develops under exter- femoral-lame joint, the crawlswimmer with the
nal strength (partner, additional weight, devices, humeral-scapula).
tools, etc.), due to the capacity of stretching or
the antagonists’ relaxation. Stretching: it is a tension-relaxation-extension
method. Practicing this method helps the body
Active Flexibility: it refers to the maximum ran feel its benefits.