Page 39 - Martial Science 3_Neat
P. 39

IMPORTANCE OF FLEXIBILITY                             • It helps to prevent injures (elastic muscle, better
                                                      carries raised mechanical weight).
• Its betterment, adjusted to the demands of mar-
tial arts, brings about a positive action on the de-  • It is achieved faster with daily training,
velopment of the physical features that control
efficiency (strength, velocity, resistance, etc.),    • The optimal age goes from 11-14 years then; a
and the technical abilities.                          well-graded training work will be enough to keep
                                                      the reached level of mobility (Jurgen Wuineck-
• Itis an essential issue of the training sessions.   Optimal training).

METHODOLOGICAL                • The slow-downs within      • Its improvement is kept
    PRINCIPLES FOR            the practice sessions must   longer after active practice
        TRAINING              be devoted to relaxation.    than after passive flexibili-
       FLEXIBILITY                                         ty training.
                              • Extension must reach
It must be trained:           the maximum limit seve-      • To reach the maximum
                              ral times and progressively  level, extension must be
• Daily and continually,      exceed it.                   practiced in several direc-
without large scale inte-                                  tions.
rruptions.                    • During the specific tra-
                              ining of a given sport, its  • To carry out active flexi-
• After a well-thought        improvement turns mo-        bility, some weigh exerci-
warm up session; never        mentary for about 10 mi-     ses can be done in the free
after a hard practice of ge-  nute; after a stretching     segment.
neral resistance nor under    practice session, long term
muscle weariness.             slow-downs must be avoi-

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