Page 37 - Martial Science 3_Neat
P. 37


1-This position is commonly known as inside sweep,     2-Now we replace our stick with our checkhand to in-
notice that we hit the hand not the stick. This is to  sure the weapon does not try to continue forward, ena-
attempt to damage the hand holding the weapon ren-     bling us to use our weapon freely while controling our
dering it useless.                                     opponents weapon.



3-Now we are free to strike the arm, body or head of   4-After striking the body we will come back to hit the
our opponent.In this scenario we will attack the body  arm/hand .We will continually go back to attacking the
and arm of our partner for safer practice of our me-   weapon hand as we consider it a contstant threat as
chanics.                                               long as its active.



5-This circular motion will continue around to strike  6-Finally we place our checkhand on our partners wea-
the top of our partners arm.                           pon hand again and stab to the belly.

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