P. 3
cieties and what enhances this way
of life is to inform oneself.
Information is vital for our survi-
val. Knowing this need, many use it
selfishly. Through information, they
manage to rise up, destroy the profi-
le of others, perversely influence
others, etc. Thank God that the in-
formation can be used in better
ways; be able to serve others more
accurately, restore lives, highlight
good examples, etc.
The announcements section in the
David Olórtegui Rios church should be taken as a data no-
tebook to increase the time of your
prayers. It should not be used to fill
the repertoire of an anxious gos-
In the teaching of Wednesdays in In this edition, many informatio-
our church, with respect to the book nal data will be provided for spiri-
of 2 Corinthians, as a theme of in- tual purposes. Contemplating the
sertion of studies, emphasis is being biographical sketches of a brother or
placed on the value of a church can help us ponder what we
"information". The apostle Paul is have been doing in our lives. Maybe
very interested in reporting what he also stop for a moment and observe
has been doing with respect to his what God is doing with us. Then we
brothers in Corinth. But there are will have a great reason to kneel be-
also many anxieties in him, in such a fore God and thank him for his
way that he temporarily suspends an many kindnesses and cares.
evangelistic work in Troas to go to
Macedonia. This trip gave him a spi- Greetings to all my brothers who
ritual rest, because he had to see Ti- enjoy reading this new magazine.
tus. who would give him a very spe- Thanks to those who are putting
cial report for the Apostle (2Cor.2: their effort and financial contribu-
12-13) tion so that this magazine conti-
As human beings we have the in- nues to bear fruit in the lives of
herent characteristic of living in so- many brothers.