P. 8


    Brief message from the book

           SONG OF SONGS

                    WRITTEN BY THE PASTOR
                                                                    It is Never

                                 JOE NEWELL
                                                  The Song of    too Late

           here is much to be said concer-
           ning  love  from  the  point  of   Songs is proba-
           view of the world, with many      bly sung by two
    T  books  and  songs  written             people who are          to
    within a variety of genres concerning
    the idea of love, leaving  much room       madly in love.
                                                    Shulamite  Pattern your Marriage
    for  confusion  for  young  people  con-  One is Solomon,
    cerning things pertaining to love and     the other is this
    relationships.  As  divorce  rates  conti-
    nue to rise, pornography being intro-              woman.
    duced  to  young  people  at  progressi-   Solomon      was
    vely earlier ages, and a general decli-  first  known  in  the
    ne in the biblical teaching of love and   book  as  a  young  shepherd,  and  the
    biblical intimacy in families and chur-  Shulamite, of the daughters of Jerusa-
    ches,  young  (and  old)  Christians  are   lem.  After  seeing  her,  The  shepherd
    in need now, more than ever, to turn    goes away and promises to return and
    to the word of God for instruction on   marry  her.  In  his  absence  the  Shula-
    these matters.                          mite can only dream about his return
                      SONG OF SONGS  and  contemplate  her  love  for  him.
       Written by King Solomon, is set as   When  he  returns  as  the  King,  Solo-
    a  superlative  song.  It  is  of  highest   mon  takes  her  back  to  Jerusalem  for
    quality or degree, which is a tremen-   marriage, and to be with him as long
    dous  statement,  being  that  Solomon   as they both shall live.
    wrote  1,005  songs  (I  Kings  4:29-32)   The Poetry of this Song is difficult
    and  Solomon  was  the  wisest  (aside   to  understand  at  times,  particularly
    from  the  LORD  Jesus  Christ)  that   trying  to  figure  out  who  is  talking.
    ever lived (I Kings 3:5-12).            Other parts of this song, by interpreta-
                                            tion,  are  VERY  graphic  concerning
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