P. 9

6  Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal       7  Many waters cannot
     upon thine arm: for love is strong as death;          quench love, neither
     jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals the-        can the floods drown
       reof are coals of fire, which hath a most           it: if a man would gi-
                    vehement flame.                       ve all the substance of
                                                           his house for love, it

                Song of Songs 8:6-7                        would utterly be con-

 It is Never

 too Late


 Pattern your Marriage

    the  love,  affection,  desires,  and  pas-  grief.
    sion between two people in love. Cou-         Also, don't you dare think
    ples should read it regularly. It is far   about marrying even a saved
    better than any guidance book off the       person unless you are drunk
    shelf concerning marital love and inti-      with the type of love that is
                                                  mentioned in this passage.
       Before we jump in, I would like to      This  is  the  standard,  and  this  type
    counsel our young readers, especially.    of love is the love you are to be wai-
         Don't you dare think about  ting  for.  It  has  been  the  purpose  of
        falling in love with someone  marriage, from the beginning, to point
          who is not a saved person.  us to the Lamb of God and His rela-
      That is only begging for a life       tionship  to  His  precious  bride,  those
                                of grief.    of  His  choosing  from  His  true  New
       Life and marriage are hard enough    Testament  Church.  “Older  people  (I
    among  two  saved  people,  but  ma-    say this with love),” it  is  never  too
    rrying  a  lost  person  will  only  afford   late  to  pattern  your  marriage
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