P. 5

Satan  was  banis-   Banishment                           God’s
     hed  from  heaven
     for rebelling against God, and he tempted Eve       Attributes
     and  Adam  to  sin  too.  Ever  since  then,  man-
     kind’s sins have separated us from God.  God               God is…
     promised to send a savior to die for our sins.   Spirit  He  is  spiritual,   not
                                                      an idol or human like us!
       “Therefore the LORD God sent him forth         Immutable He never
      from the garden of Eden, to till the ground     changes!
      from whence he was taken.  So he drove out      Holy He is perfect pure
       the man; and he placed at the east of the      and without sin!
       garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming        Eternal He has no begin-
      sword which turned every way, to keep the       ning or end!
      way of the tree of life.” (Genesis 3:23-24)     Omnipotent He is all-
                                                      Omniscient He knows
                                 Omnipresent He is everywhere at the same
                                 True He never lies!
                                 Loving  He loves his children no matter what!
                                 Just  He is always fair!
                                 ...and much more!
                                  “And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM:
                                 and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the chil-
                                     dren of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto
                                               you.” (Exodus 3:14)
                                     History Note                      In     the
                                                                       20th  cen-
                                   Modernists and                      tury,  Mo-
                                  Fundamentalists                      changed
                                                                       many peo-
                                 ple believed.  Modernists thought that modern
                                 ideas were better than old fashioned ones, and
                                 they  questioned  whether  the  Bible  was  really
                                 the perfect inspired word of God.  Modernists
                                 also started believing that the world has evol-
                                 ved over millions of years instead of believing
                                 that  God  created  the  world  around  six  thou-
                                 sand years ago, as we read in the book of Ge-
                                 nesis.    Fundamentalists  believed  in  standing
                                 for  basic  truths  like  inspiration  and  creation,
                                 and many Baptist churches left conventions to
                                 become Independent Baptists.
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