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2                         Potchefstroom Herald                                                    19 Julie 2018
    Prosecutor reopens Choppies fraud case

    Selogile  Leshage                     should be closed as there is no chance   The Choppies fraud case attracted  where the cash went to after the official
                                          of a successful prosecution.’         attention after a tip-off from a commu-  had collected it.
    The senior state prosecutor at the Pot-    Recently, Adv. Viljoen obtained the  nity  member.  The  Herald  has  now     Still no response from the munici-
    chefstroom  magistrates’  court,  Adv.  case  docket  and  instructed  that  the    been reliably informed that the cash  pality on investigations
    Eileen Viljoen has reopened the Chop-  case be re-opened and a thorough in-  involved amounted to R397 632. Ac-       The acting municipal manager, Cy-
    pies fraud case dealing with the J.B.  vestigation is done. After this, the case  cording to a reliable source, the muni-  ril Henry told the North West Legislatu-
    Marks municipal food parcel account.  docket must be submitted to her for  cipality deposited money into the ac-  re portfolio committee on local govern-
        The account at the store was inten-  a decision. Adv. Viljoen has communi-  count  every  month.  The  problems    ment that, a day or two after the Herald
    ded for funeral assistance for indigent  cated with the SAPS and the lines of  arose when a municipal official started  published  the  first  article,  his  office
    families in the municipality. Choppies’  communication have been confirmed.  collecting  the  balance  in  cash  pay-  had  launched  an  investigation  into
    head office detected fraudulent activity  They will be adhered to by all roleplay-  ments at month end.           what had actually transpired. He was
    on the account, which led to the dis-  ers in the future.                         ‘This  had  been  happening  since    supposed to have received the report
    missal of the Potchefstroom Choppies’     The Herald apologises to the senior  June last year. The irregularities were  in June.
    branch- and administrative managers  state prosecutor, Adv. Viljoen for prin-  detected  in  March  and  reported  to   Five  weeks  ago,  the  Herald  sent  a
    in May. A J.B. Marks official is also im-  ting  information,  furnished  by  the  head office. The cash collected over the  media enquiry to the municipality re-
    plicated in the fraud case.           SAPS,  about  her  conduct  when  she  ten-month period allegedly amounted  garding the outcome of the investigati-
      The Herald reported in its edition of  had not made the decision and was ne-  to  hundreds  of  thousands.  The  two  ons. To this day, however, no response
    5 July 2018 that Col Adéle Myburgh,  ver approached for any input.          employees  were  dismissed  after  due  has been issued.
    the NW SAPS spokesperson had sta-         Close to R400 000 involved in the  process was followed,’ said the source.  *The  Herald  is  still  following  this
    ted that the case had been investigated  Choppies case                            The  Herald  could  not  determine  story.
    and had been closed. She went on to
    say  that  ‘the  senior  state  prosecutor
    has  recommended  that  the  case
                                          Potchefstroom kom kies jou troon by Aardklop 2018
    Lentekonsert met ’n

    splinternuwe baadjie                  Marianke  Saayman                     nes, Bouwer Bosch en Nataniël die ver-  “Aardklop besef sy verantwoordelik-
                                                                                hoë volmaak en vir die dieper toneel-  heid teenoor die  kunstebedryf  as  ge-
    Suzette  Wilkens  Produksies  bied  op   Die land se gunstelingfees, die Aard-  liefhebbers gaan name soos Anna-Mart  heel, en bied hierdie jaar weer produk-
    Vrydag en Saterdag 7 en 8 September   klop Nasionale Kunstefees, gaan bin-  van der Merwe, Marthinus Basson, An-  siebestuurwerkswinkels aan. Ons voeg
    om 19:00 die jaarlikse Lentekonsert in   nekort  weer  Potchefstroom  se  strate  toinette Kellerman en Sandra Prinsloo  ook  ’n  verhoogbestuurkursus  by,”  sê
    die Miederpark Kerk in Potchefstroom   kom versier met ’n kleurvolle kunste-  daar wees om seker te maak almal kry  Strachan.
    aan.                                  sensasie.                             ’n smakie van die kunste.               Sy sê verder dat Aardklop geluister
      Die produksie se naam is Tydloos/Ti-  Vanjaar  se  Aardklop-program  is     Aardklop  bied  ook  vanjaar  ’n  ver-  het na feesgangers se voorstelle en het
    meless met voorwaar tydlose musiek    Dinsdagaand (17 Julie) by Two Owls  skeidenheid  debuutwerke  sowel  as  besluit om vanjaar meer proe- en kos-
    wat Viva Wilkens (sopraan), Chantelle   gastehuis  bekendgemaak  en  Potchef-  trefferproduksies wat nie normaalweg  ervarings na die tafel te bring met on-
    Brand (alt), Dewald Grobler (bariton),   stromers het weer die geleentheid om  in Potchefstroom aangebied word nie.  der  andere  Via  se  kos-  en  kuierpro-
    Johan Schlebusch (bariton) en Marco   heel eerste kaartjies vir die talle verto-  Produksies  soos  Bloed  en  Bodem,  gram.
    Basson (tenoor) se stemme uitstekend   nings en produksies te koop.         My Seuns en Huishou, gaan raak aan      Met  hierdie  groot  verskeidenheid
    pas.                                    “Dis  ons  derde  jaar  aan  die  stuur,  relevante  kwessies  en  die  Atterbury  disse op die Aardklop feesgangtafel het
      Die produksie is bevoorreg om van-  maar amptelik Aardklop se 21ste ver-  Trust Pronk Podium skep vanjaar weer  niemand ’n verskoning om nie sy stoel
    jaar vir Marco Basson terug te verwel-  jaarsdag. Daarom dek ons die feestafel  ’n verhoog waarop jong talent hul naam  te kom kies nie.
    kom. Die “Splinternuwe baadjie” word   en nooi jou uit om aan te sit op die stoel  kan maak.                        “Jy is uitgenooi, so kom sit gerus en
    in  die  vorm  van  uitstekende  instru-  wat jou pas,” sê feesbestuurder Alexa   Vir diegene wat meer geïnteresseerd  fees jou plek vol. Ons hou intussen jou
    mentaliste aan die gehoor bekend ge-  Strachan.                             is in die visuele kunste, gaan die Suid-  stoel warm,” sê Strachan.
    stel. Die produksie is trots om te noem   Daar is ’n stoel vir almal by vanjaar  Afrikaanse kunstenaar Diane Victor as   *Hoewel  kaartjieverkope  landwyd
    dat geen klankbane gebruik word nie.   se Aardklop: ’n teaterstoel, dinkstoel,  feeskunstenaar by vanjaar se uitstal-  eers  op  23  Julie  oopmaak,  kan  Pot-
    Die instrumentaliste is Ruaan Kruys-  kampstoel of selfs kroegstoel, so kom  lings wees.                          chefstromers reeds van Vrydag 20 Ju-
    haar  (klavier/klawerbord),  Armand   kies joune, sit agteroor en geniet wat   Die tema van vanjaar se visuele kun-  lie hul Aardklop kaartjies by Ticketpro
    Moolman (orrel/klawerbord), Charles   Aardklop vanjaar vir jou gedek het.   ste uitstallings is Spoke, Diewe en Dig-  se webblad koop deur gebruik te maak
    Olivier (tjello) en Ian Grewar (viool).   Volgens Strachan is vanjaar se pro-  ters, en verskeie plaaslike en internasi-  van die kode: PLAASLIK2018
                                          gram  ’n  opwindende  gebalanseerde  onale kunstenaars se werke gaan hier     * Sien volledige Aardklop program
                                          spyskaart met alles van musiek, kuns,  vertoon word.                        by
                                          kos, wyn, komedie en drama.
                                            Vir die meer kontemporêre feesgan-
                                          gers gaan Elvis Blue, Snotkop, Parloto-


                                               •  Bestel by 086 123 5296 of
               27 Julie en
                Saterdag                   •  Kaartfasiliteite en Lawndressing
                 28 Julie                           ook beskikbaar.
                                            •  Selflaai: Ma - Vry (8:00  -  16:30)
                                                  en Sat. op bestelling.        Japie Gouws (direksievoorsitter), Alexa Strachan (feesbestuurder), Bosman Purén (be-

                                                                                dryf & finansies) en Delmari van Zyl (borge & bemarking). Foto: Barco Greeff
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