Page 32 - Agib Bank Limited Annual Report 2021
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4.9    Cash and cash equivalents                     including it in the initial carrying amount of the
                                                                     asset or liability).
                      Cash and cash equivalents include notes and
                coins on hand, unrestricted balances held with       After  initial  recognition,  the  deferred  gain  or
                central bank and highly liquid financial assets      loss  will  be  released  to  profit  or  loss  on  a
                with  original  maturities  of  less  than  three    rational basis, only to the extent that it arises
                months, which are subject to insignificant risk      from a change in a factor (including time) that
                of changes in their fair value, and are used by      market  participants  would  take  into  account
                the Bank in the management of its short-term         when pricing the asset or liability.
                                                                     4.12    Financial assets
                4.10    Account receivables                          4.12.1  Classification of financial assets
                    Account   receivables   are   non-derivative     All  financial  assets  are  recognised  and
                financial  assets  with  fixed  or  determinable     derecognised  on  a  trade  date  where  the
                payments  that  are  not  quoted  in  an  active     purchase or sale of a financial asset is under a
                market and that the Bank does not intend to sell     contract  whose  terms  require  delivery  of  the
                immediately or in the near term.                     financial asset within the timeframe established
                                                                     by  the  market  concerned,  and  are  initially
                                                                     measured at fair value, plus transaction costs,
                4.11    Financial instruments
                                                                     except for those financial assets classified as
                                                                     at   FVTPL.   Transaction   costs   directly
                4.11.1  Initial Recognition                          attributable to the acquisition of financial assets
                                                                     classified  as  at  FVTPL  are  recognised
                                                                     immediately in profit or loss.
                Financial assets and financial liabilities are
                recognised in the Bank’s balance sheet when          All recognised financial assets that are within
                the Bank becomes a party to the contractual          the  scope  of  IFRS  9  are  required  to  be
                provisions of the instrument.                        subsequently  measured  at  amortised  cost  or
                                                                     fair value on the basis of the entity’s business
                                                                     model  for  managing  the  financial  assets  and
                4.11.2  Initial Measurement
                                                                     the contractual cash flow characteristics of the
                Financial  assets  and  financial  liabilities  are   financial assets.
                initially  measured  at  fair  value.  Transaction   Specifically:
                costs  that  are  directly  attributable  to  the
                acquisition  or  issue  of  financial  assets  and   • assets that are held within a business model
                financial liabilities (other than financial assets   whose  objective  is  to  collect  the  contractual
                and financial liabilities at FVTPL) are added to     cash  flows,  and  that  have  contractual  cash
                or deducted from the fair value of the financial     flows that are solely payments of principal and
                assets or financial liabilities, as appropriate, on   mark-up  on  the  principal  amount  outstanding
                initial recognition.                                 are subsequently measured at amortised cost;

                Transaction  costs  directly  attributable  to  the   assets that are held  within a business model
                acquisition  of  financial  assets  or  financial    whose  objective  is  both  to  collect  the
                liabilities at FVTPL are recognised immediately      contractual  cash  flows  and  to  sell  the  debt
                in profit or loss. If the transaction price differs   instruments,  and  that  have  contractual  cash
                from fair value at initial recognition, the Bank     flows  that  are  SPPI,  are  subsequently
                will account for such difference as follows:         measured at FVTOCI;

                • if fair value is evidenced by a quoted price in    all  other  assets  (e.g.  debt  instruments
                an  active  market  for  an  identical  asset  or    managed on a fair value basis, or held for sale)
                liability or based on a valuation technique that     and  equity  investments  are  subsequently
                uses only data from observable markets, then         measured at FVTPL.
                the difference is recognised in profit or loss on                                                   Annual Report and IFRS Financial Statements
                initial recognition (i.e. day 1 profit or loss);     4.12.2    Amortised  cost  and  effective
                                                                   profit rate method
                •  in  all  other  cases,  the  fair  value  will  be
                adjusted to bring it in line with the transaction    The  effective  rate  method  is  the  method  of
                price (i.e. day 1 profit or loss will be deferred by   calculating the amortised cost of those financial

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