Page 33 - Agib Bank Limited Annual Report 2021
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instruments  measured  at  amortised  cost  of       •  assets  designated  at  FVTPL  using  the  fair
                allocating income over the relevant period. The      value option.
                effective profit rate is the rate that is used to
                calculate  the  present  value  of  the  estimated   These assets are measured at fair value, with
                future  cash  receipts  (including  all  fees  and   any  gains/losses  arising  on  remeasurement
                point paid or received that form an integral part    recognised in profit or loss."
                of the effective profit rate, transaction cost and   4.12.5  Impairment of financial assets
                other  premium  and  discounts)  through  the
                expected  life  of  the  financing  and  investing   Financial  assets  that  are  measured  at
                instruments,  or,  where  appropriate,  a  shorter   amortised cost are assessed for impairment at
                period, or to arrive at the net carrying amount      each reporting date.
                on initial recognition.
                                                                     The  Bank  applies  a  three-stage  approach  to
                Income  is  recognized  in  the  statement  of       measure allowance for credit losses, using an
                comprehensive on an effective profit rate basis      expected  credit  loss  approach  as  required
                for  financing  and  investing  instruments          under  IFRS  9,  for  the  following  categories  of
                measured subsequently at amortised cost.             financial  instruments  that  are  measured  at
                                                                     amortised cost:
                4.12.3   Financial Assets at amortised cost
                        or at FVTOCI                                 ▪  Islamic financing and investing assets

                                                                     ▪  Off-balance sheet instruments issued;
                The  Bank  assesses  the  classification  and
                measurement of a financial asset based on the            Financial assets migrate through three stages
                contractual  cash  flow  characteristics  of  the   based  on  the  change  in  credit  risk  since  initial
                asset  and  the  Bank’s  business  model  for    recognition.
                managing the asset.                                  No  impairment  loss  is  recognised  on  equity
                For an asset to be classified and measured at
                amortised  cost  or  at  FVTOCI,  its  contractual    Expected credit loss impairment model
                terms should  give rise to  cash flows that  are
                solely payments of principal and profit on the       The  Expected  Credit  Loss  (ECL)  model
                principal outstanding. For the purpose of SPPI       contains  a  three  stage  approach  which  is
                test, principal is the fair value of the financial   based  on  the  change  in  credit  quality  of
                asset  at  initial  recognition.  That  principal    financial  assets  since  initial  recognition.
                amount  may  change  over  the  life  of  the        Expected  credit  losses  reflect  the  present
                financial asset (e.g. if there are repayments of     value  of  all  cash  shortfalls  related  to  default
                principal).                                          events  either  (i)  over  the  following  twelve
                                                                     months  or  (ii)  over  the  expected  life  of  a
                Profit  consists  of  consideration  for  the  time   financial  instrument  depending  on  credit
                value of money, for the credit risk associated       deterioration from inception.
                with the principal amount outstanding during a
                particular  period  of  time  and  for  other  basic       Under Stage 1, where there has not been
                lending  risks  and  costs,  as  well  as  a  profit      a significant increase in credit risk since
                margin. The SPPI assessment is made in the                initial recognition, an amount equal to 12
                currency  in  which  the  financial  asset  is            months  ECL  will  be  recorded.  The  12
                denominated.                                              months ECL is calculated as the portion
                                                                          of life time ECL that represents the ECL
                4.12.4  Financial Assets at FVTPL                         that  result  from  default  events  on  a
                                                                          financial  instrument  that  are  possible
                                                                          within the 12 months after the reporting
                                                                          date. The Bank calculates the 12 months
                Financial assets at FVTPL are:                            ECL allowance based on the expectation
                • assets with contractual cash flows that are not         of  a  default  occurring  in  the  12  months
                SPPI; or/and                                              following  the  reporting  date.  These   Annual Report and IFRS Financial Statements
                                                                          expected  12  month  default  probabilities
                • assets that are held in a business model other          are  applied  to  a  forecast  EAD  and
                than held to collect contractual cash flows or            multiplied  by  the  expected  LGD  and
                held to collect and sell; or                              discounted  by  an  approximation  to  the
                                                                          original effective profit rate.

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