Page 254 - E-Magazine 2016-17
P. 254
My Sweet Mother – My Best Friend
My mother’s name is Saranya. She is very beautiful and pretty. She is more like my
friend. We play together, she helps me in my studies, homework, makes my favourite food and
teaches me good habits. If I do any mistake she advices me to be a good boy.
She is my princess, puppy and my sweetie pie. She is a super woman who does every-
thing. She buys me whatever I ask her for like books, colours, toys, ice cream, dress, watch
and lots of other things. I enjoy going out and being with her. All my friends also like her as
she is friendly and plays games with us when they come home.
I am very proud to have a mother like her. I thank her for all she does for me and I will
be a super good boy and will make her proud. She is my super heroine.
Love you Amma ….
Pranav R S
Upon a nice mid-spring day
Lets take a look at nature’s way.
Breathe the scent of nice fresh air
Feel the breeze within your hair
The grass will poke between your toes
Monisha G II– E Smell the flowers with your nose.
Clouds form shapes within the skies.
A sunny Day And light will glisten from your eyes.
The cock is crowing, Hear the buzzing of the bees.
The stream is flowing, Climb the tallest willow trees.
The small birds twitter, Look across the meadow way.
The lake does glitter, And shall see a young deer play.
The green field sleeps in the sun,
The oldest and the youngest Pick the daisies as they grow.
Are at work with the strongest, Watch a gentle cold stream grow.
The cattle are grazing, Know the sounds of water splash.
Their heads never raising, Catch its glimmer in a fresh
There are forty feeding like one.
Arpit Pratap Singh When altogether all seems sound
3- L Lay yourself upon the ground
Take a moment to inhale
SAVE ME And listen to the nature tell her tale
Earth has given us many gifts. Gagandeep P.G.
One of them is trees. Trees are very im- III- D
portant to us.
Trees provide us timber to make furniture.
They provide us shelter during summer.
We get paper, gum, rubber from trees. Birds
make their nests on trees.
Trees help us to reduce pollution.
Friends, please don’t cut trees and keep the
surroundings clean & green .
“Save Mother Earth, Save Trees!!!
Breathe Free! “
R. Ahilyaa Aarabhi Mathan