Page 256 - E-Magazine 2016-17
P. 256

             Do you really like going to the school?
             Well, this has been a question my parents have been always asking me.
             I am glad to share that I enjoy going to school every day.
             Right from the time I board the school bus at 07:00 AM, I enjoy watching the nature around
             me, that includes lush greenery, music of birds chirping and flying. It is an interesting sight
             to see people walking by, driving and cycling to offices and factories.
             Well, as I get down at school, I rush with loads of energy and eagerness to learn what my
             teacher teaches for the day. I am equally happy to see my friends. I love sharing food with my
             friends and playing with them as my class gets over; I look forward to returning home to play
             with my friends in the apartment.

             Shreya K
             I- L

             WHY I LIKE MY MOTHER
             I know what I want to write about my mother. My mother is very kind.
             She always helps me with my school work. She prepares me for every-
             thing. My mother is a graceful woman. When I get hurt, her heartbeat
             stops.  She  gets  sad when  I  am  away from  her.  She  praises me every
             day. She works hard at office and home. On my birthday, she makes
             Kheer for me. When I  leave home for school, she tells me “God bless
             you”. That is the best moment for me.

             Hiya Pramath Nath
             I- H
                                                                                           Aarushi Jaijith
             THE LITTLE WORLD                                                                          V– A

             I am a part of a little world which is a group collecting old newspapers. This is being done at
             the White House Complex, RT Nagar, which is where I live. There are total of 35 children in
             the group. We  collect old newspapers from more than 450 houses. These are given to the per-
             son collecting old newspapers and he gives us money in return.

             This money is given to a school for the tuition fees of the needy students.

             I enjoy doing this work and this gives me happiness as I am help-
             ing the needy students those who like to study.
             Vibhuthi Wadhwani
             I M

             INDIAN ARMY

             Indian Army is the world’s best army. It is a
             land  based  branch.  The  mission  of  Indian
             Army is to ensure national security and uni-
             ty of the nation. Our soldiers make this pos-                                Aahana Das IV– K
             sible  by  their  hard  work,  love  and  sacrifice
             for the country.

             Army  soldiers  work  in  very  difficult  condi-
             tions,  day  and  night,  without  fail.  We  are   Aarabhi Mathan
             able  to  celebrate  festivals  happily  because              VII- C
             our army is protecting us all the time. I am
             proud of my Indian army.
             I- L                                                                        Aditya A.B  V-D
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