Page 261 - E-Magazine 2016-17
P. 261
one are the days, when children used to touch their elder's feet the first
thing in the morning. Gone are the days when the whole family which in-
cluded grandparents and cousins used to live together....... and gone are the
days when children used to share their thoughts, feelings and even their life
with their parents. The world has changed....... so has the relationship between the par-
ents, teachers, siblings and friends.
The major change has been seen in the relation-
ship of parents and their children. Mostly both
parents nowadays are working. They don't spend
too much time with their children and
grand parents are not around to look after them.
The children become independent as they learn
to live by themselves. That's a good thing, but the
problem that lies here is that it leads to a com-
munication gap. The parents don't have time to
talk to children and the children don't think it
necessary to talk to parents. As a result, the chil-
dren get onto the wrong track-they fail to dis-
criminate between right and wrong.
When the children turn into adolescents, it is the most vulnerable time of their lives.
They are influenced by their peers and other sources and get into various wrong activi-
ties. At this age every one is very curious and without proper guidance of parents, they
end up in trouble. So, they need to take the initiative themselves to talk to their parents.
And we have to understand one thing that whatever they say, it is for our benefit, not
harm. We should talk frankly and share our feelings and problems with them. On certain
issues, we should put our view points and understand their too.
The present generation as well as the coming generation needs to understand the im-
portance of this relationship as our parents know us right from when we were born and
they understand us the best.
We should try to maintain the beauty of this relationship and we will come to know that
our parents can be our best of friend. Believe me! so start it today, start sharing your
feeling, your problems and let this friendship grow.