Page 262 - E-Magazine 2016-17
P. 262


              Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam is one of the great-         Carnatic music. He was a good veena play-
              est  teachers  of  all  time.  I  have  learnt  so   er. He also used to love plants and garden-
              much from his life.                               ing.  He  setup  a  herbal  and  medicinal
                                                                plants garden in the Rashtrapati Bhavan.
              First  of  all,  I  learnt  from  him  how  to  live
              simple  life.  The  ‘People’s  President’s’  sim-  But  Dr.Kalam’s  greatest  flair  was  for  sci-
              plicity is something which is inexplicable. I     ence and technology. He has achieved a lot
              have learnt to savour the simple stuff and        in this field. With child like enthusiasm he
              live a basic, happy life from him.                kept  asking  questions  regarding  every-
                                                                thing, in every aspect. I learnt from him to
              When  he  was  the  President  of  India,  he
              asked for a one course of curd rice. If a sec-    respect  everyone.  He  used  to  treat  every-
              ond  course  was  served  he  would  ask  the     one  kindly  and  affectionately  and  used  to
              chefs if it was a special occasion that day. I    regard everyone as equal. He never had a
              have learnt to be secular from him. He fol-       grudge against anyone.
              lowed the teachings of all the religions. He      I  have  learnt  from  him  how  to  enjoy  life,
              never discriminated between religions.            handle stress and be humorous. Even dur-
                                                                ing  the  most  difficult  of  times  he  used  to
              I have learnt from him to never stop learn-
              ing. The ‘Missile Man of India’s’ thirst for      stay  calm  and  happy.  He  was  also  an  ex-
              learning was one which was unquenchable.          pert at cracking jokes, that too very funny
              His  interests  ranged  from  music,  garden-     and  positive  ones.  In  all  I  learnt  from
              ing and cooking to science, technology, pol-      Dr.A.P.J.Abdul  Kalam’s  life  how  to  live  a
              itics  and  culture.  Dr.Kalam  used  to  enjoy   happy,  simple,  contended  and  complete


             A price tag there, a name tag here. Today         Everyone  is  unique  in  their  own  way.  I
             our world is full of custom made tags stick-      mean, how boring would it be to expect a
             ered  onto  people’s  backs,  labelled  onto      uniform  blueprint  in  all  of  us  when  we

             things  that  probably  never  deserved  it  in   were all made different to create a differ-
             the first place.                                  ence  for  ourselves.  And  I  strongly  believe

                                                               with Ellen DeGeneres that if we take away
             We’re  all  ambling  through  the  darkest  of
                                                               the  labels,  we’re  far  more  alike  than  we
             alleys at times, but instead of groping for
                                                               are different.
             someone’s  hand,  we’re  all  about  tripling
             them over.                                        So  instead  of  snickering  behind  people’s

                                                               backs,  I say -  move  to the front  and  ana-
             We’ve created so many variable categories
                                                               lyse the things you want to tell them. I’m
             in  people  that  I  think  it  would  be  wise  if
                                                               sure there is a lot to bicker about. But do
             that  kind  of  imagination  was  channelled
                                                               be  generous  with  a  few  compliments  be-
             elsewhere. We look for the worst in people
                                                               cause a little spark of kindness can put a
             and  give  them  a  board  to  hold  onto  with
                                                               colossal  burst  of  sunshine  into  someone’s
             the word “loser” scrambled over it.
             KEERTHI VISHWANATH XI-C                           day.
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