Page 267 - E-Magazine 2016-17
P. 267

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              What  next?  This was the  only  question that     After  ice  cream,  the  children  got  onto  the
              was debated among the children. Ideas were         side  top  berth  which  was  Ria’s.  They
              given and decisions were made. They came to        brought their pillows there and had a pil-
              a  conclusion  that  they would  go  down.  They   low  fight.  Later  the  tired  children  clam-
              immediately  clambered  down.  Voila!  They        bered onto their berths. Next morning they
              were going through a tunnel and they felt cu-      were at Bangalore. The breakfast would be
              rious  to  know  how  the  mountain  was  cut…     loaded here. As the train was to wait there
              but  before  they  could  ask,  their  thoughts    for  half  an  hour,  they  got  down  and  had
              were interrupted by the waiter who had come        some  juice  at  café  coffee  day.  The  bought
              to  give  the  blankets,  bed  sheets  and  towels.   some oranges and climbed onto the train.
              Next the T.T came to check their tickets. The
              best  part  was  going  to  come  –  breadsticks,      6
              butter and hot yummy tomato soup! When it          After breakfast, they kept themselves busy
              arrived, they ate as if they had not eaten for     the  whole  day  by  reading  books,  playing
              a very long time! Then they remembered that        cards  and  other  games  and  watching  the
              they had to ask about the tunnels which had        scenery  zoom  by.  Next  day,  the  train
              passed  by  earlier.  There  were  questions       chugged into the bustling station of Kochi
              asked and answers were given by the parents        in  Kerala.  They  got  out  of  the  train  and
              and  co-passengers  but  the  most  interesting    were  pleasantly  surprised  on  seeing  their
              question was, “How were tunnels made years         uncle  George  over  there.  Their  uncle  had
              ago when there was no advanced machinery?          also come to see the beautiful state which
              "Once their curiosity was satisfied, they went     was called “God’s Own Country”. When he
              out  and  washed  their  faces  with  cool  water.   got the news about their trip to Kerala, he
              After they came back, they were served din-        planned to surprise them by suddenly ap-
              ner followed by delicious ice cream.               pearing on the railway station without in-
                                                                 forming them.


                As their uncle had gone to many places in Ker-  themselves.  While  walking,  they  saw  a  small
                ala  before  the  two  families  had  come,  he   boy of about Krishna’s age. His name was Go-

                showed  them  some  of  the  monuments  and    pal,  a  cowherd  from  the  nearby  village.  They
                parks he had seen. They enjoyed a lot. One day   asked  him  if  there  was  any  lake  or  waterfall
                when the kids’ parents had gone to their rela-  nearby. He told that there was a waterfall and
                tives’ house, the children were alone at home as   a small lake of about 5 kms far. As he knew the

                they  were  very  tired  and  had  overslept.  Now   location  of  the  waterfall,  the  children  thought
                that  they  were  alone,  they  decided  to  roam   that they could take him along. Before leaving
                around and discover new things. They ate their   the resort, they had taken a mobile phone with
                breakfast  and  packed  some  sandwiches,  crois-  them  in  case  of  emergency.  Now  that  it  had

                sants  and  some  juice.  They  wore  their  sports   been  a  long  time;  they  called  their  parents  to
                shoes and started off. It was about twelve thir-  inform them about their whereabouts.
                ty  when  they  started  feeling  hungry.  They                               Continued….
                stopped  and  shared  their  picnic  lunch  among
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