Page 269 - E-Magazine 2016-17
P. 269

I                      THE LINKS BETWEEN MYTHS
                                                               curse, and took off leaving the eighth son in
                    t is very striking when I come to think
                    of it, of how religions and myths have
                                                               Santanu’s care. The infant later went on to
                    a  subtle  link  between  them.  If  we
                                                               become one of the greatest warriors, Bhish-
                    study different mythologies, we might
             be able to find certain connections which can     ma,  fabled  for  his  archery  skills.    In  the
                                                               Greek mythology, Thetis attempted to make
             broaden and enliven our mind.                     her  children  immortal  by  putting  them  in
                                                               fire after anointing them with Ambrosia, but
                                             In     Hindu
                                             mythology,        failed  each  time  and  they  died  of  their
                                             we      come      burns.  She  had  also  made  Peleus  bound  to
                                             across     the    the  promise  of  not  interfering  with  any  of
                                             story  where      her  actions.  However,  Peleus  couldn’t  help
                                             Lord Krishna      stopping her as she was about to repeat the
                                             defeats    the    same  rituals  with  the  last  child  who  lived
                                             multi-headed      and  grew  up  to  be  Achilles,  the  famous
                                             serpent,  Ka-     Greek warrior.
                                             liya.     The     The people of ancient civilizations were mys-
                                             Greeks  also      tified by the possible existence of the magi-
             claim  that  Hercules,  or  more  appropriately   cal  beasts  and  wary  of  the  danger  they
             Heracles,  had slained Hydra.  Both  of  these    posed.  The  myths  had  common  strands
             stories dealt with snakes possessing gigantic     across distance and time. Garuda (in Hindu
             proportions, deadly venom, numerous heads         mythology)  bears  a  strange  resemblance  to
             and other lethal powers. But there are great      the  Griffin  (Greek)  and  the  falcon-headed
             differences too! Krishna was able to perform      god Horus (Egyptian). The people all across
             this  feat  as  a  mere  child  when  Kaliya  and   believed  in  the  power  of  saints  who  could
             his  troops  had  poisoned  the  river  Yamuna    ward  off  evil  spirits.  Stories  of  oracles  pre-
             close to his village, but he vanquished Kali-     dicting  the  future  of  human  beings  were
             ya without killing him. Heracles had to burn      quite common. Mythologies abound with de-
             the heads of Hydra, as it was the only meth-      piction  of  different  gods,  having  power  to
             od to counter Hydra’s regenerative power by       control specific elements of nature and their
             which two head used to grow back when one         weapons being a reflection of the same. The
             was cut off. He also required the help of his     Hindu god, Indra, and the Norse god, Thor,
             nephew to  kill  Hydra by  entering  the  mon-    could  both  control  lightning.  Trident  is  a
             ster’s lair in order to accomplish his twelve     weapon of choice for Lord Shiva (Hindu) and
             labours.                                          is also wielded by Poseidon (Greek).

             In  the  epic  Mahabharata,  Ganga  married       The  mythical  beliefs,  complicated  and  dis-
             the king Santanu only on the condition that       parate as they may seem, have those uncan-
             he  would  not  question  any  of  Ganga’s  ac-   ny similarities, presumably originating from
             tions.  She  then  proceeded  to  drown  their    the same line of thought. Curiously though,
             seven children, one by one, immediately af-       these myths with identical themes were con-
                                                               jured up by people residing in different land
             ter  each was  born.  After  being  a  mute wit-  masses  in  the  days  of  yore,  without  any
             ness thus far, the king couldn’t take it any-     means  of  communication.  One  cannot  help
             more  and  interfered  as  Ganga  planned  to     feeling struck with wonder when introspect-
             drown  the  eighth  one  as  well.  Ganga  then   ing  about it  in some depth. Maybe  one  day
             explained  to  Santanu  the  reasons  behind      we’ll have a convincing answer.
             such  apparently  atrocious  act,  intended  to
             release the eight celestial beings from their
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