Page 268 - E-Magazine 2016-17
P. 268
They enjoyed playing and splashing in the hilltop for the night. At night, they lit a bon-
waterfall till evening. Then they bid farewell fire and danced around it. They roasted
to Gopal as he had to tend to the cows. The marshmallows over the fire, and also enter-
children also went back to their resort. They tained themselves by drumming on their
were physically tired and exhausted but empty boxes.
their faces glowed as if they hadn’t trekked
at all! The next day while trekking through Going down…
a nearby forest, they came upon a pool. They The next day,
jumped into pool and shouts of glee were they woke up to
heard afar. The water was crystal clear and the chirping of
fresh with small ducklings waddling around. the birds. The
At first the ducklings got scared but slowly grass was moist
they got used to the sudden visitors. They as it had drizzled
swam and played around in the water with in the night. It
balls until their energy was drained out. As was a beautiful
the sun was high up and was scorching morning and the
them, they came out of the water resentfully. children decided to drink and fill some cool
With their stomachs growling and nothing to stream water for their journey downhill.
eat, they were forced to return to the resort. There were two ways to go down, either
swing by the branches on the route they
The quest to the hilltop… had taken to go uphill or go down the steep
On the third day, they decided to go to the slope with the help of sticks. As they didn’t
hilltop. Then they planned what they would have any sticks or other support, they de-
need for trekking up. As it would be a little cided to swing down. They wore hiking
cold, they planned to take some warm gloves which would help them to grip onto
clothes, their cameras, some knick-knacks to trees and they went like monkeys down the
eat, hiking items and lots of water. The next hill swinging from branch to branch. They
day, all packed up, they started before day- reached the base by 6:00 pm and camped
break. As they trekked along, bit by bit they over there. The sun was setting and their
got immersed in the beauty of nature. At supplies had exhausted. So, together they
noon, they stopped in a shady grove for collected some edible berries. They all had
lunch. Later, they camped at a clearing for a light dinner by the campfire and slept
the night. soundly.
At the top of the hill! Back to the resort!
The next morning, they started off at dawn. Their parents saw four gleaming faces com-
They had blueberries and raspberries for ing towards the resort. They were wel-
breakfast. They reached the hilltop by that comed with food and questions about their
afternoon. They were awestruck by the adventures. Well, this truly was a great va-
beauty of the place. There was greenery all cation!!!Everyone had the same thought in
around with sparkling streams gushing by. their mind, “If we stopped dirtying the
It appeared as if the water in the streams earth and keep it as beautiful as nature
was bubbling with happiness. There were has planned it to be, then we all would be
birds of all hues and colours, chirping and living in heaven!”
singing with joy. They clicked many pic-
tures of the birds and other wildlife. They
also took some group selfies to make these BY SAI ANUNYA VIII-H
moments cherish-able. They camped on the