Page 266 - E-Magazine 2016-17
P. 266

This adventurous story won the Third Prize in the National Level Short Story Writing Com-
              petition conducted by the Kloud9 Team.

                        HOLIDAYS, TRAVELLING AND ADVENTURE!!

                                           BY SAI ANUNYA VIII-H

                This is a story of two families who lived      their  cameras  and  take  pictures  of  the

                in  the  bustling  town  of  Ahmedabad  in     setting  sun.  To  their  disappointment,
                Gujarat.  They  had  planned  to  travel  to-  Krishna’s  camera  was  discharged  com-

                gether  to  a  place  beyond  Karnataka…       pletely as he had forgotten to charge his
                they travelled to a place in Kerala where      camera  before  starting  off.  Only  Ria’s

                they found nature in its truest form.          camera was charged and they took turns
                                                               in  taking  pictures  until  the  sun  had  set

                         The start….                           completely.  They  managed  to  slip  up  to
                                                                                          top  berth  with  the  camera  where  they

                                    1                                                                                                                                 shared  their  memories  through  the  pic-

                The  two  families  got  into  the  coupe  and   tures.
                started  putting  their  luggage  into  the
                place  below  the  berths.  Slowly  the  train                     3

                chugged  out  of  the  station.  Goodbyes      Later,  they  managed  to  slip  up  to  top
                were said and people waved their hands         berth with the camera, where they went

                to  their  relatives  on  the  railway  station   through the memories galore. A memora-
                until the station was out of sight. Initial-   ble  event  was  attached  to  each  picture
                ly,  the  train  moved  slowly  and  then      clicked  by  Ria,  her  parents  and  her

                picked  up  speed…The  train  changed          friends. They chattered away on the pic-

                tracks  and  many  farmers  could  be  seen    tures, each one recalling some funny epi-
                working in their fields. The two families      sodes from their lives. After a while, they
                were in the fifth coupe. As the sun start-     heard their mothers call them. The moth-

                ed going down, the kids, Beena, Ria, Ram       ers’  realized  that  the  children  had  gone
                and  Krishna  started  getting  bored.  Ria    up after clicking pictures. But where had

                was  twelve  years  old,  Ram  was  ten,       the camera gone??This question lingered
                Krishna  was  thirteen  and  Beena  was        in their minds until they understood that

                eleven.                                        the  camera  was  up  all  the  time!  They
                                     2                         asked for the camera as it would get dis-

                Ria  suggested  that  they  could  play  Uno   charged soon. So….the camera was given
                but the idea was put down by the others.       down.

                As  the  sun  could  still  be  seen  setting
                across  the  sky, they  felt  they  could  take
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