Page 7 - November 2018 Traveler
P. 7
Sunday School Offering—God’s Global Barnyard
The offering that the kids bring to Sunday school will be collected for the ELCA
Good Gifts program. In the past the collection has gone to purchase several com-
munity fish farms and most recently we have designated it for the “stocking a
backpack with food” program. We are changing it up for the coming year and have
decided to adopt piglets! Each Sunday we will collect the kids offering and keep a
tally of how much we have collected. When we have $30 we are able to contribute
to the purchase of one piglet for a family in need.
Might not sound like much but when she grows up she
will have as many as 16 piglets of her own. Pigs ferti-
lize the fields and provide food to eat and also can be
sold at market for much needed income. The kids are
excited about the new designation. We will be able to
purchase a few piglets this Sunday school year!
Children’s Christmas program
Sunday December 16 th
During the 9:00am worship service.
Welcome everyone to Bethlehem!
Come and enjoy watching the children in this wonderful
program that will open our eyes and ears to see and
listen to the story of when Christ was born.
Children’s Christmas party will be downstairs following the program.