Page 8 - November 2018 Traveler
P. 8

Summer Edition of

                                                                               Trinity Stitchers

                                                                     The group that met this past
            This year’s Durand Ecumenical
             Thanksgiving service will take                          summer on Thursday evenings
           place at Trinity Lutheran Church.                         at Trinity did several projects.
                                                                     One of them is for the DEC
                                                                     Thanksgiving Baskets.  Dish-

                     On November 20th                                cloths and pot holders were
                                                                     made for each family that
            Worship will begin at 6:30 p.m.
                                                                     receives a basket.  Is anyone
                                                                     willing to donate dish soap that

                 Fellowship will be served                           can be attached to them?  30
                   following the service.                            bottles are needed.

                                                                     Other projects that were made
                                                                     are hats and scarfs for blessing
                                                                     boxes and also gifts for Medina’s

                                                                     Christmas Shop where residents
                                                                     can shop for free for their family

                                                                     Projects are now being made at
                                                                     home until meetings start up at

                                                                     Trinity next summer.

                                                    Fall Decorating at Trinity

                                                will take place after worship

                                                          on November 4th.

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