Page 11 - November 2018 Traveler
P. 11

Blessing Box Alert

         With the freezing temps coming,
         please remember to only place or

         donate items that will not freeze
         outside. Please, no canned items or

         liquid soaps, shampoo, etc. (Until
         next Spring!!). Some suggestions for                       We will be hosting a "Chronic Disease

         the winter months are: powder                               Self Management" workshop taught
         detergent, bar soaps, dry soup mix-                         by Danica Gray of Lifescape Commu-

         es, any boxed item, paper towels,                           nity Services starting March 12th and
         toilet paper, etc.  A big THANK                             running through April 16th next year

         YOU to all of you that donate items                         on Tuesday afternoons from 1 - 3:30
                                                                      p.m.  For more information on the
         and/or give monetarily to the                              workshop, contact Danica at 815-963-

         Blessing box fund!!
                                                                    1607.   Mark your calendars and share
                                                                                 with your friends.

                           Choir practice is at 7:45 am on Sunday mornings.

                                             It’s not too late to join!

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