Page 12 - November 2018 Traveler
P. 12
Major Retailers Want to Give Our Church Money for Christmas Shopping!
It is time to think about shopping for Christmas while using our fundraising program.
The beauty of scrip (gift cards) is that you put your regular household shopping dol-
lars to work. You earn money for our youth without spending a single extra penny.
Half of the money earned is going to the next National Youth Gathering trip and the
other half is for other expenses. In the past this money has paid for youth to go to
camp, NIS youth assembly, NIS ski trip and more. Scrip can be used for just about
any household purchase including food, clothing, entertainment, gasoline and even
dining out. It is also an easy way to purchase those gifts that you need.
Orders are due the second Sunday of the month and cards are
normally here the following Sunday. The November order is
due on Sunday the 11th. There are hundreds of scrip cards to
choose from. I will also be moving the December due date one
week earlier to Dec. 2nd. That will give you one more oppor-
tunity for Christmas gift shopping.
Order forms are available in the narthex and also on our website. Shannon Brown
Thank you to the Garden Team!
Trinity needs a Your hard work this past summer is greatly
appreciated! Thank you also goes to those
new treasurer.
who planted and harvested vegetables at
their homes.
Please see Pastor Pat The CSA boxes were enjoyed by those who
and/or received them.
Jerry Lindvall More team members
for more info. are welcome.
Join the team for
next summer’s season.