Page 13 - November 2018 Traveler
P. 13
The office isn’t always open 2
every day. All staff at Trinity TAG
works part-time. has planned at outing for Dec. 15.
If you need to see someone, We will going to the Monroe Art
please call before coming Center to attend the "Gin, Choco-
late, and Bottle Rockets" holiday
over. Email received is show. We will be ordering tickets
checked every day. soon so we can sit as a group!!
They are $10.00 each. The show
starts at 2:00pm.
Please let Paula Rau know if you
plan to attend. We can car pool
and go out to eat after the show!!
Hope to see you there!
There will be a
December/January Patches and Peace
issue of the Traveler.
will not meet in November or
Articles are due Nov. 20 .
December because of the holidays.
We will start up again in January.
Let Mary know if you have any