Page 8 - May 2018 Traveler
P. 8
Pentecost is May 20th All high school and college graduates will be
honored at Trinity on Graduate’s Sunday,
May 27th. College students who will be
Altar Guild would like to decorate graduating this spring or graduated last fall/
the sanctuary with red geraniums.
winter are asked to contact the office. Letters will
Please bring plant(s) by Thursday,
be mailed to those known to be graduating during
May 17th. You may take your the first week in May. If you do not receive a
plant(s) home after the service letter and are a graduate, please contact the
on the 20 or if you leave it at
Trinity, volunteers will plant it church office immediately.
outside here at church. A reception for the graduates will be
provided by TLCW after worship.
Trinity’s Garage Sale is June 1st and 2nd at 12772 Freeport Road
There are sign-up sheets posted at church for volunteers.
Help is needed to set-up sale and to work during sale.
Please price your donations for the sale.
(Do not price books.)
No clothes, please, and no TV’s.
Thank you for your donations and
your help with this fundraiser!