Page 416 - Transport
P. 416
9. Information and Computer Center, EGYPT Tourism in Figures
2006, Ministry of Tourism, Egypt, 2007.
10. Information and Computer Center, EGYPT Tourism in Figures
2007, Ministry of Tourism, Egypt, 2008.
11. Kotaite, A., Strategy: Guiding International Civil Aviation into
the 21st Century, ICAO Organization, Montréal, 1997.
12. Lee, R, IATA Operational Safety Audit, Safety- Operations&
Infrastructure, International Air Transport Association, Montreal,
Canada, 25/11/2003.
13. Mosley, B., Flight Delays, Mishandled Baggage, Complaints
Increase in March But Remain Well Below 2001 Levels, U.S.
Department of Transportation, News DOT 46-02, Washington, 6
May 2002.
14. Royal Jordanian Airlines, Annual Report 2004, The Royal
Jordanian Airlines Company, Amman, Jordan, 2004.
15. Royal Jordanian, Royal Jordanian: Achievements& Objectives,
Annual Report 2005: Towards New Horizons, Amman, Jordan,
16. SAS Group, SAS Group Annual Report& Sustainability Report
2005, SAS AB (pub.), SAS Scandinavian Airlines, Stockholm,
17. The UNCTAD Secretariat, Carriage of Goods by Air: A Guide
to The International Legal Framework, United Nations
Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva- Switzerland, 27
June 2006.
18. United States General Accounting Office, Aviation Safety More
Research Needed on the Effects of Air Quality on Airliner
Cabin Occupants, Report to the Ranking Democratic Member-
Subcommittee on Aviation- Committee on Transportation and
Infrastructure- House of Representatives, U.S. Government
Accountability Office (GAO), January 2004.
19. World Travel& Tourism Council )WTTC), The Liberalisation of
Egyptian Aviation Policies: The Benefits for Tourism and the
National Economy, A Report Prepared for the Egyptian
Federation of Tourism Chambers, London, 1999.
Organization's News Release
1. IATA NEWS, Industry Times, International Air Transport
Association, 2nd ed., Geneva, February 2006.
2. ICAO News Release- PIO 12/02, Aviation Safety to Benefit from
Compliance with IS0 9001, ICAO Organization, Montreal,
3. ICAO News Release- PIO 17/02, Aviation Security Plan of
Action and New "Green Routes" Highlight Achievements of
2002, ICAO Organization, Montreal, 27/12/2002.
4. ICAO News Release- PIO 09/03, Biometric Identification to
Provide Enhanced Security and Speedier Border Clearance for
Travelling Public, ICAO Organization, Montreal, 28/05/2003.