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48. Powers, T., Marketing Hospitality, John Willey& Sons, Inc., 2nd
    ed., Canada, 1997.

49. Ramaswamy, R., Design and Management of Service Processes:
    Keeping Customers for Life, AT&T, 1st ed., Engineering Process
    Improvement Series, Canada, 1996.

50. Sasseville, D. Wilson, W. and Lawson, R., ISO 14000 Answer
    Book, John Wiley& Sons, Inc., Canada, 1997.

51. Shapiro, L., Training Effectiveness Handbook: A High-Results
    System for Design, Delivery, and Evaluation, McGraw-Hill,
    Inc., USA, 1995.

52. Stamatis, D., Six Sigma for Financial Professionals, John
    Wiley& Sons, Inc., Canada, 2003.

53. Stephens, K., The Best on Quality: Volume 13, ASQ Quality
    Press: American Society for Quality, USA, 2002.

54. Stimson, W., Beyond ISO 9000: How to Sustain Quality in a
    Dynamic World, AMACOM, New York, 1998.

55. Veal, A., Research Methods For Leisure And Tourism: A
    Practical Guide, Pearson Education Limited, 3rd ed., England,

56. Vellas, F., and Becherel, L., International Tourism: An
    Economic Perspective, MACMILLAN PRESS LTD, 1st ed.,
    London, 1995.

57. World Tourism Organization, Aviation and tourism policies-
    balancing the benefits, 1st published London& New York,
    Routledge, 1994.

  Conventions

1. International Civil Aviation Organization, The Convention on
    International Civil Aviation: Annexes 1 to 18, Montreal, 2000.

2. ICAO- Annex 6, Operation of Aircraft: International Standards
    and Recommended Practices: Part II International General
    Aviation– Aeroplanes, The Convention on International Civil
    Aviation, 6th ed. of Part II, Montreal, July 1998.

3. ICAO- Annex 9, Facilitation: International Standards and
    Recommended Practices, The Convention on International Civil
    Aviation, 3rd ed., Montreal, April 1997.

4. ICAO- Annex 17, Security: Safeguarding International Civil
    Aviation Against Acts of Unlawful Interference, ICAO, 7th ed.,
    Montreal, 2002.

  Organization's Documents

1. ICAO-Doc 7300/9, Convention on International Civil Aviation,
    International Civil Aviation Organization, 9th ed., Montreal, 2006.

2. ICAO Secretary General-Doc 9848, Assembly Resolutions in
    Force (As of 8 October 2004), ICAO Organization, Montreal,

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