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3. Gonzalez, R., Documentation for the Session of the Assembly in
    2007: Annual Report of the Council 2006, ICAO- Doc 9876,
    International Civil Aviation Organization, Montréal, 2006.

4. Kotaite, A., Documentation for the Session of the Assembly in
    2004: Annual Report of the Council 2001, ICAO- Doc 9786, The
    33rd Session of the Assembly, International Civil Aviation
    Organization, Montréal, 2001.

5. Kotaite, A., Documentation for the Session of the Assembly in
    2007: Annual Report of the Council 2004, ICAO- Doc 9851,
    International Civil Aviation Organization, Montréal, 2004.

  Conferences

1. Bahnan, N. Coleman, L. and Kelkar, M., A Review of Service
    Quality: Definitions and Measurement, Proceedings of the 14th
    Annual Meeting of the American Society of Business and Behavioral
    Sciences Conference, American Society of Business and Behavioral
    Sciences, Vo. 14, No. 1, Las Vegas, USA, February 2007.

2. Eberts, R., Understanding the Impact of Transportation on
    Economic Development, A1A06: Committee on Transportation
    and Economic Development, TRB Annual Conference,
    Transportation Research Board of the National Academies,
    Washington- DC, USA, January 13-16/2003.

3. Vreedenburgh, M., Quality @ Airport, ATS Quality Assurance
    Seminar for the NAM/CAR/SAM Regions, International Civil
    Aviation Organization, Mexico City, 16-20 October 2000.

4. WTO Commission for The Middle East (CME), International
    Conference on Partnerships for Tourism Safety and Security
    in The Middle East and North Africa: Final Report, World
    Tourism Organization& The Egyptian Ministry of Tourism, Cairo,
    26-27 June 2007.

  Meetings, Working Papers

1. Egypt, Development and Upgrading of the Egyptian Airports,
    Facilitation (FAL) Division, 12th Session, International Civil
    Aviation Organization, Cairo, 22 March to 2 April 2004.

2. Galibert, D., Determination of A Definition of Aviation Safety,
    Working Paper- AN-WP/7699, Air Navigation Commission,
    ICAO, Montreal, 11/12/2001.

3. ICAO Economic Commission- A35-WP/9, Report by the Council
    on the Fifth Worldwide Air Transport Conference and Trade
    in Services, Assembly – 35th Session, Montreal, 19/05/2004.

4. ICAO Executive Committee- A35-WP/63, Unified Strategy to
    Resolve Safety – Related Deficiencies, Working Paper,
    Assembly- 35th Session, ICAO, Montreal, 18/08/2004.

5. ICAO Secretariat- DGCA/06-WP/7, Unified Strategy To Resolve
    Safety– Related Deficiencies, Working Paper, Directors General

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