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of Civil Aviation Conference on A Global Strategy for Aviation
    Safety, ICAO, Montreal, 20-22 March 2006.
6. The Council of ICAO- A36-WP/27, Consolidated Statement of
    Continuing ICAO Policies Related to the Safeguarding of
    International Civil Aviation Against Acts of Unlawful
    Interference, Working Paper, Executive Committee, Assembly-
    36th Session, Montreal, 25/07/2007.
7. The Council of ICAO- A36- WP/18, Progress Made in
    Implementing Resolution A35-18, Appendix D, Section III:
    International Cooperation in Protecting the Security and
    Integrity of Passports, Working Paper, ICAO Economic
    Commission, Assembly– 36th Session, Montreal, 28/06/2007.
8. The Secretariat- 29 E/CAR WG–WP/06, Progress Report on the
    Implementation of the ICAO Universal Safety Oversight Audit
    Programme, 29th Eastern Caribbean Working Group Meeting,
    North American- Central American and Caribbean Office, Saint
    Vincent and the Grenadines- Caribbean , 19/04/05.
9. (53 Contracting States, Members of the African Civil Aviation
    Commission), Liberalization Of International Air Transport
    Services: The African Position, A37-WP/242, ASSEMBLY-
    37TH SESSION, ECONOMIC COMMISSION, International Civil
    Aviation Organization, 20/9/2010.

  Scientific Research

1. Nour El-Din, M., The Importance of Special Meals in In-flight
    Catering, Unpublished Master, Hotel Management Section,
    Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Helwan University,
    Egypt, 2004.

  Studies

1. Aaronson, R., Airport Benchmarking To Maximise Efficiency,
    ACI World Headquarters, Geneva, 06 July 2006.

2. Airport and Inflight Services, ICQA IATA Catering Quality
    Assurance Programme: Improving the Safety and Quality of
    Inflight Food Together, IATA/ ICQA/MEDINA Quality
    Assurance Services, Geneva, 2006.

3. Aviation Specialists Group, Inc., Economic Value for FAA
    Investment and Regulatory Decisions, A Guide, FAA Office of
    Aviation Policy and Plans, Federal Aviation Administration,
    Washington, USA, 31 December 2004.

4. Blair, S., New Zealand's Compliance with the Standards and
    Recommended Practices of Annex 11 to the Convention on
    International Civil Aviation– Air Traffic Services – Including
    all Amendments up to and Including Amendment 44
    Applicable 23 November 2006, Civil Authority of New Zealand,
    New Zealand, January 2006.

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