Page 30 - GP Fall 2020
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the  hyperplastic  peri-implant  tissues  was  ation in gingival connective tissue homeo-  ity of drug induced gingival  hyperplasia.
        sent for histopathologic evaluation. The bi-  stasis, inflammatory changes, and direct ac-  The interaction between the drug and gin-
        opsy report revealed epithelial cells and fi-  tion of medications on growth factors.   gival tissues could be enhanced by gingival
        brous hyperplasia, consistent with gingival                                inflammation caused by poor oral hygiene.
        hyperplasia.                          Gingival hyperplasia may appear as a firm,  It has also been documented that, upon dis-
                                              nodular  enlargement  of the  interdental  continuation  of these drugs, gingival en-
        The patient was referred back to her cardi-  papillae, and its prevalence in the mouth is  largement may be reduced within one week.
        ologist for a re-evaluation with regards to  varied.  It affects the anterior more than the  If the hyperplastic gingival tissue does not
        the usage of OM-HCTZ and recommen-    posterior and are more pronounced on the  respond  to  plaque  control  or  scaling  and
        dations  for discontinuation or changing  to  facial than the lingual gingival surfaces of  root planning, it needs to be excised.
        a different medication due to the develop-  teeth or implants (Figures 5, 6, 7).
        ment  of gingival  hyperplasia  and possible                               Discontinuation  of  the  related  medication
        risk of peri-implantitis.  The cardiologist                                has been shown to reduce gingival over-
        recommended that the patient continue OM-                                  growth; however, the growth will recur
        HCTZ since she was unable to tolerate or                                   when the medication is readministered .  In
        control her blood pressure with other hyper-                               cases where alternative medications can be
        tensives.                                                                  used, substitution of the related drug has
                                                                                   been shown to result in regression of the
        Fortunately, this did not interfere with pa-                               overgrowth.  In this case report it was found
        tient home care and therefore surgical cor-                                that the amlodipine was not well tolerated
        rection for the hyperplastic tissue was not                                and when she began taking OM-HCTZ, she
        performed.  Additionally, the patient has a                                developed gingival hyperplasia.  Maintain-
        low smile line and there was no complaint                                  ing adequate  blood pressure control can-
        regarding her esthetics.  The subsequent                                   not be compromised and thus measures at
        management  consisted of placing  the pa-  Figure 5. Enlargement of the interdental   plaque control is of utmost importance  in
                                              papilla and the margins around the maxillary
        tient  on a program  of meticulous  plaque   and mandibular anterior and posterior screw   controlling the rate and degree of gingival
        control along with frequent professional   retained prostheses.            overgrowth.  The patient was required to re-
        cleanings every three months.  At her three                                turn for 3 month recalls for deep scaling and
        months re-evaluation, there was no erythe-                                 root planing, which worked well to reduce
        ma  and  the  degree  of  periodontal  inflam-                             gingival overgrowth to an acceptable level,
        mation around the implants were general-                                   thereby making surgical treatment unneces-
        ly diminished.  However, hyperplasia  was                                  sary.
        still present to some degree (Figure 4). The
        recommendations included regular oral hy-                                  Summary
        giene reinforcement, scaling and root plan-                                The use of OM-HCTZ has been rarely ini-
        ing four times  yearly, and chlorhexidine                                  tiated or known to exacerbate gingival en-
        rinses 0.12% to be used twice daily.                                       largement  around  both  natural  dentition
                                                                                   and dental implants in certain susceptible
                                                                                   individuals.  This case report demonstrated
                                                                                   that the administration  of OM-HCTZ can
                                              Figure 6.                            cause gingival  hyperplasia  around dental
                                                                                   implants.  The  subsequent management  of
                                                                                   medication  induced gingival hyperplasia
                                                                                   consists of placing the patient on a program
                                                                                   of meticulous plaque control along with fre-
                                                                                   quent quarterly professional cleanings. 10

                                                                                   For patients with mild gingival hyperplasia,
        Figure 4. One year after treatment with                                    conservative  oral hygiene measures could
        proper oral hygiene maintenance and
        chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinse.                                        reduce the overgrowth of the gingival to
                                                                                   acceptable  levels.  Adjunctive antimicro-
        Discussion                                                                 bial  chlorhexidine  gluconate  rinses have
        There  is a  clear  connection  between  oral                              been recommended  in managing gingival
        medications  such as cyclosporine, phe-                                    hyperplasia to help eliminate the indication
        nytoin, and CCBs with regards to gingival   Figure 7.                      for surgical intervention. In moderate gin-
        hyperplasia.  Among CCBs, nifedipine has  The literature  contains  several  reports  gival  hyperplasia,  conservative  treatment
        been shown to be a more common culprit  which indicate that pre-existing plaque re-  and routine scaling and root planing would
        that causes hyperplastic gingiva. Although  sulting in gingival inflammation is a predis-  shorten the subsequent surgical intervention
        rare,  one  should not  discount  ARBs as a  posing factor for gingival enlargement, and  and reduce the risk of postoperative infec-

        contributing  medication  to this outcome.  that maintaining excellent oral hygiene may  tion. 11
        Several factors may influence the relation-  be effective in preventing these hyperplastic
        ship between the medications and gingival  changes.  Most studies show an associa-  Surgical removal by gingivectomy and gin-
        hyperplasia  including genetics, age, alter-  tion between oral hygiene status and sever-  givoplasty  is necessary  in severe  cases to
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