Page 29 - GP Fall 2020
P. 29

Treatment of Drug-Induced Gingival Hyperplasia Around Full
          Maxillary and Mandibular Screw-Retained Fixed Prostheses Over

                       Titanium Dental Implants: A Clinical Case Report

                                 By Raid Sadda DDS, MS, MFDRCSI and Aram R. Sadda, DDS, MS

      Abstract                                                                   of OM-HCTZ include  dizziness,  diarrhea,
      Drug-induced gingival  hyperplasia is a                                    stomach pain, joint pain and dry cough.
      known side effect caused by several med-                                   Gingival hyperplasia associated with nat-
      ications and is a physiologic response to a                                ural  dentition  occurs in 0.0497 percent  of
      variety  of  local  and  systemic  conditions.                             patients taking OM-HCTZ, but has not been
      Gingival  overgrowth around natural  teeth                                 reported as a side effect around dental im-
      has been previously reported in the litera-                                plants secondary to its use.
      ture  with  patients  taking  calcium  channel
      blockers (CCBs), anticonvulsants  and im-                                  Case Report
      munosuppressants, but has not been docu-  Figure 1. Eight external hex titanium implants   A 55-year-old woman was treated with max-
      mented with angiotensin II receptor block-  paced in the maxillary arch.   illary and mandibular fixed titanium implant
      ers (ARBs) as a significant cause.  CCBs,                                  supported prostheses.  Seven endosseous ti-
      as  a  group,  have  been  implicated  as  an                              tanium external hex implants were placed to
      etiologic  factor  for drug-induced  gingival                              support a screw retained mandibular pros-
      enlargement.  This enlargement  can be lo-                                 thesis.  Four weeks later, eight implants of
      calized or generalized and can range from                                  the same brand were placed to support a
      mild to extremely severe, affecting patient’s                              screw retained maxillary prosthesis (Figure
      esthetics and function. However, there has                                 1 and 2)  The patient was satisfied with the
      not been any documented case of gingival                                   appearance and function of the restorations
      hyperplasia secondary to angiotensin II re-                                and was placed on periodic six month recall
      ceptor blockers.  This case report describes   Figure 2. Panoramic x-ray revealed    visits.
      the development and treatment of gingival   endosseous titanium external hex implants
      hyperplasia around dental implants in a pa-  of the maxilla and mandible.  Approximately ten years following the com-
      tient taking a combination of hydrochloro-                                 pletion of her implant prosthesis, the patient
      thiazide and angiotensin II receptor blocker   implicated culprit in drug-induced gingival  was diagnosed with hypertension and was
      one year after the insertion of fixed maxil-  hyperplasia.   As for amlodipine, the prev-  prescribed amlodipine  by her physician.
      lary and mandibular prostheses.       alence  is  significantly  lower  than  that  of  Despite  dose adjustments,  the  patient  did
                                            nifedipine.  Drug-induced gingival enlarge-  not have proper blood pressure control, so
      Key words: Peri-implant  gingival  hyper-  ment  could  be  detected  clinically  as early  her cardiologist began treating her hyperten-
      plasia, angiotensin II receptor blocker, cal-  as one to three months following the initial  sion with OM-HCTZ. The patient returned
      cium channel blocker                  dose of a calcium channel blocker.   for implant  and prosthesis re-evaluation
                                                                                 one year after having taken OM-HCTZ. On
      Literature Review                     Among  hypertensive  medications,  ARBs   clinical exam, the patient was found to have
      Gingival hyperplasia is one of the side ef-  have  not been  documented  as a  cause  for   gingival  enlargement,  which  was general-
      fects associated with the administration of   gingival hyperplasia in regards to peri-im-  ized and presented as firm nodular enlarge-
      several medications  such as anticonvul-  plant tissues.    Thiazide  diuretics also do   ment of the interdental papilla and gingival
      sants (phenytoin),  CCBs (nifedipine),  and   not typically play a role in the development   margins. It was greater in the anterior area
      immunosuppressants  (cyclosporine).  The   of peri-implant  hyperplastic  gingiva. One   and  more  pronounced  on the  buccal  than
                                                                                            Fig.7 – Ten
                                                                                            years after
      mechanism by which any of the above men-  agent,  olmesartan  medoxomil-hydrochlo-  lingual surfaces.  A full mouth radiograph-
                                                                                            insertion of
      tioned medications induce the formation of   rothiazide  (OM-HCTZ), is a combination   ic series revealed no active bone resorption
      hyperplastic gingiva is not well understood   of an angiotensin II receptor antagonist and   around the dental implants (Figure 3).  To
      and may be distinct for each drug; however,   a thiazide  diuretic.  Common side effects   rule out pathology, an incisional biopsy of
      the clinical features of gingival enlargement
      that are observed with these medications
      are similar.  It is well documented that the
      periodontium around natural teeth and den-
      tal implants are similar and, therefore, will
      react to both local and systemic factors in a
      similar way.  Interestingly, not all patients                                                    Figure 3. Ten years
      taking  these  medications,  together  or sep-                                                   after insertion of
      arately, develop gingival enlargement, and                                                       prostheses.
      the reason is not well understood.
      Not all hypertensive medications are known
      to cause gingival  hyperplasia.  Among
      CCBs, nifedipine  is  the  most  frequently   !
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