Page 26 - GP Fall 2020
P. 26

Implant-supported Prostheses in Fixed Prosthodontics:

                                 Design and Material Selection Criteria

                                 By Siamak Najafi-Abrandabadi, DDS and Peerapol Tevavichulada, DDS

        Introduction                          margin  should  not  be  deeper  than  1mm.  •	Hybrid Abutments
        Dental  implants  are sometimes  the best  This design requires at least 6mm of inter-  Hybrid abutment designs consist of a tita-
        option to replace missing teeth. Prosthetic  occlusal space. 1,2           nium insert and an all-ceramic customized
        parts of implant restorations consist of the                               abutment that can be bonded to the insert.
        abutment and the crown. There are multi-  Abutment Materials               (Figure 4) They have a titanium connection
        ple materials and different ways to design  There are various materials that can be used
        the implant-supported restorations.  Titani-  to  fabricate  implant  abutments.  Clinicians
        um abutments and porcelain-fused-to-metal  should understand the properties and bio-
        crowns have been popular designs for clini-  logic response of each material. The most
        cians and have been used for decades. How-  commonly used implant abutment materials
        ever, this design has potential complications  are titanium, metal alloy, hybrid, and all-ce-
        such as gingival  discoloration  and metal  ramic, such as alumina and zirconia.
        show-through that effect esthetic  results,
        especially in anterior teeth. The purpose of   •	Titanium Abutments
        this article is to review selection criteria in   Titanium is usually used to fabricate abut-
        the design and materials of implant-support-  ments. There is well-documented informa-  Figure 4. Cement-retained crown #8 with
        ed prostheses in fixed prosthodontics.  tion demonstrating its biocompatibility and   hybrid abutment. Milled zirconia is bonded to a
                                              mechanical  properties  with proven long-
        Abutment Designs                      term  usage. Although  they  are  compatible   titanium insert (Ti-Base).
        Implant-supported  prostheses can  be  ce-  with titanium implants and have very stable   to  implants  while  providing  good esthetic
        ment-retained  or screw-retained.  The ma-  biomechanical properties, they have a lim-  results and natural soft tissue color with the
        jor  advantage  of  screw-retained  crowns is  itation in esthetics.  The major problem with   ceramic component. Hybrid abutments also
        their retrievability, but the implant position  titanium is the grayish color that can show   have higher fracture strength than a one-
        should be considered (Figure 1). Screw-re-  through the gingival  margin, especially  in   piece zirconia abutment. 8-10
                                              thin gingival biotypes. However, gold-hue
                                              titanium abutments (Figure 2) show lower   •	All-Ceramic Abutments
                                                                                   The  most  common  ceramic  abutments
                                                                                   are zirconia abutments. They offer a good
                                                                                   esthetic  result and natural soft tissue col-
                                                                                   or, 7,11,12  but some studies showed the oppo-
                                                                                   site result regarding esthetics. These studies
                                                                                   showed no difference in patient perception
                                                                                   and satisfaction. 4,13  Although zirconia abut-
                                                                                   ments may have better esthetic results than
        Figure 1. Screw-retained implant crowns are                                titanium abutments, they demonstrate lower
        recommended when implant location and                                      fracture strength.
        angulation is proper.
                                              Figure 2. Customized gold-hue titanium   Crown Design and Materials
        tained crowns are recommended when the   abutment.                         Metal-ceramic  crowns have been used to
        interocclusal space is limited. They require                               restore implants for a long time; however,
        a minimum of 4mm of interocclusal space  color  difference.  Anodization  is the  tech-  because of the increased demand in esthet-
        and have fewer biological  complications.  nique currently used to change titanium’s  ic dentistry, all-ceramic crowns tend to be-
        However, the fracture strength of screw-re-  color to gold or pink by an electric current  come materials of choice. With the recent
        tained crowns is inferior to cement-retained  for esthetic results. 5      developments  in ceramic  technologies,
        crowns due to the screw access hole. 1,2
                                              •	Metal Alloy Abutments
        Cement-retained  crowns are recommend-  Metal alloys are used to cast University of
        ed  when  implants  are  malpositioned.  The  California  at Los  Angeles (UCLA) abut-
        absence  of a  screw access  hole  gives  ce-  ments and noble alloys are recommended.
        ment-retained crowns an esthetic advantage  They have a similar clinical performance to
        over screw-retained crowns. But the major  titanium abutments  while providing better
        concern is biological complications due to  soft tissue color than titanium abutments.
        excess cement. Therefore, the cementation  (Figure 3) l Fall 2020 l GP 26                                         Figure 3. Customized metal-alloy abutments.
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