Page 24 - GP Fall 2020
P. 24

cluding any open ports.  This is a valuable  To be sure, passwords were also ranked.   Password Cyberhygiene
        first step because bad actors can use IP scan-     Rapid7 found that “x” (5.3%), “Zz” (4.8%),  To check if your password is weak you can
        ners to search for vulnerable targets.       “St@rt123”  (3.6%),  “1”  (2.6%),  “P@ss-  go to a password checker online like, pass-

        In a study conducted by Rapid7, a security      wOrd” (2.5%) and “bl4ck4ndwhite” (2.3%) and check  the strength of

        research group, honeypots were set up with      were in the top six passwords used in the  your passwords.  Various password check-
 Figure 3  Pas unpublished IP addresses.   This was done  Figure 3  Password Frequency Figure 3  Password Frequency sword Frequency   7  attacks. (Figure 3) Certainly, this points up  ers will give you a report on how difficult
                                              the fact that a weak password is literally an  your password is and how much computer
 From: https: so that the only “hits” would come from ser- From: From: //   power it will take to crack it.   And each
                                              open door for bad actors.
        vices that were scanning a wide range of IP

        addresses, presumably searching for some-                                  will have more nuanced information,  so,
        thing to attack. When a bad actor attempted                                for instance this password, “qwerty123” re-
        to make a connection, the honeypot captured                                turned a 41% score on
        the attacker’s background information.                                     (Figure 4)  While on howsecureismypass-
                                                                          it rated, “your password would be
        The research conducted by Rapid7 includ-                                   cracked INSTANTLY.”  (Figure 5)
        ed how attackers attempted to break into the
        honeypots by guessing passwords. They first                                To find out how long it would take a bad
        determined how many possible targets were                                  actor to crack a password similar to yours
        on the Internet running RDP. They discov-
        ered almost 11 million different IP addresses                              (don’t put your real passwords in to check)
        of devices listening for this type of traffic,                             go to    At this site,  the
        spread out worldwide.  Finding a port that                                 password, ‘qwerty’ was instantly  cracked,
        is ‘listening’ for traffic is job 1 for hackers.                           but a new password, “Mndfiafbd12” ranks
                                                                                   in at 11 thousand years. (Figure 6) Which
        “After  334  days,  the  honeypots  recorded                               comes from ‘My new dog Fido is a French
        221,203 different login attempts, an average                               bull dog 12” (He weighs 12 pounds).  This
        of 662 attempts  each  day.  These  attempts                               is an initialism  and if we add just a single
        came from 5,076 distinct IP addresses from                                 symbol like the pound sign, “#” the ‘time to
        119 different countries. The attackers used                                crack’ increases to 1 million years.  Certain-
        1,806 different usernames and 3,969 differ-                                ly, enough time to comfortably retire your
        ent passwords.” 8
        The  Rapid7  analysis  revealed  some  inter-
                                                                                   There is also another little  trick that  you
        esting findings. Almost 40 percent of the at-
        tacks originated from China and 24 percent                                 can use to make passwords harder to crack.

                                                                                   Create a non-standard character.  These are
        from the United States.  They also found that

        the most commonly attempted user names                                     characters that are created when you press

        were “administrator” (34 percent), “Admin-                                 the alt key, for instance “alt -156” creates
 Figure 2 Username Frequency   istrator” (24 percent), “user1” (3 percent),   Figure 3.  Password frequency.     14
         Figure 2 Username Frequency

 (From: / 0   1/ the-att ac ke r s - d ic t i o n ary / )       Figure 4   the  symbol ‘£’.   This creates  a character
        and “admin” (2 percent). (Figure 2)
                                                   From:   that falls further outside the domain of ‘usu-

        Figure 2. Username frequency.

 l Fall 2020 l GP 24        Figure 4.
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