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performance of all-ceramic restorations be-  4.  Smile Line – It is a significant clinical  Conclusions
      come more promising. There are many stud-  factor which should be evaluated and  •	  Screw-retained crowns  are recom-
      ies that show similar performance between   considered when restoring implants in   mended if implants have proper angu-
      metal-ceramic  crowns  and all-ceramic    the esthetic zone. 25                lation and position as well as in cases
      crowns. 15-18   The available  ceramic  choices                                with limited interocclusal space. 20
      are monolithic  zirconia,  monolithic  zirco-  5.  Crown: Fixture Ratio – Although stud-
      nia with facial cutback, monolithic lithium   ies  show the  force  distributions and  •	  In the anterior area, hybrid abutments
      silicates, and zirconia coping with lithium   crown:  root  ratio  on  tooth-support-  are recommended because of their es-
      silicate build-ups.                       ed restorations does not apply with   thetic  results, especially  in patients
                                                implants , increase  in  crown height   with thin biotype and high smile line.
      Abutment and Crown Selection Criteria     space will increase the biomechanical   Zirconia abutments should be avoided
      These following factors should be consid-  forces, therefore, this factor needs to   due to their higher technical complica-
      ered when selecting abutment designs and   be considered when designing the im-  tions.  The interocclusal space needs to
      materials:                                plant-supported restorations and some   be  evaluated  carefully  in  the  anterior
                                                designs such as zirconia abutments are   area. 24
       1.  Implant  Angulation  &  Position  – If   not recommended in these situations. 24
           implants  are placed with correct an-                                 •	  In the posterior area, titanium and high
           gulation  and the screw access holes   6.  Occlusion –  The occlusal force and   noble alloy abutments should be con-
           are not opening toward the labial,   occlusal scheme are important factors   sidered because of their higher frac-
           screw-retained  implant  restorations   when selecting abutment materials.   tural  strength. Monolithic  all-ceramic
           should be preferred  (Figure 5). Ma-  Moreover, the material of the opposing   abutments are not recommended in the
           terials and designs with higher fractur-  arch-whether it is enamel, restorative   posterior area. 8
           al strength, such as titanium or metal   filling materials, acrylic resin, ceramic
           alloy abutments, are recommended in   or metal alloys- needs to be considered   •	  Metal-ceramic crowns and all-ceramic
           the  posterior  areas  due to higher  oc-  to prevent wear in the future. 27  crowns have  comparable  clinical  per-
           clusal forces. 20                                                         formance.  Crown selection  should be
                                             7.  Parafunctional Habits – If the patient   considered along with abutment selec-
                                                has parafunctional  habits such as   tion. 17
                                                bruxism or clenching, hybrid designs
                                                and  zirconia  abutments  should be   References
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           er retention  (Figure 3). In contrast,                                plant Hard and Soft  Tissues  Adjacent to  Ti-
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           space, titanium and metal alloy abut-  Figure 7. Due to parafunctional habits and   2006;15(4):250–6.
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