Page 13 - MCC-2014-Booklet-Final
P. 13

STEP 1:                          STEP 2:                       STEP 3:                       STEP 4:                       STEP 5:
             Focus Groups                    Member Survey                Member Review/                    Final Plan                    Member
                   &                                &                                                           &
             Strategic Plan               Campus Master Plan               Opinion Survey                 Member Vote                     Approval

           New Squash Area

           Currently, there are three single hardball squash courts in the Men’s
           Locker Room Building. Two of the three fall within the building’s footprint
           and the third does not. In addition, the courts can only be accessed
           through the outside corridor, separating the courts from the Main Squash
           Center. Finally, columns are embedded in the partitions between each
           court; and, the building’s entire load is transferred to the columns.

           The plan proposes modifying the column structural system and converting
           the three single hardball courts into two single international courts. This
           new layout would allow the courts to be visible and accessible from the
           Main Squash Center. It would also add a new stair corridor connection
           that allows direct access into the Main Squash Center.

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