Page 10 - MCC-2014-Booklet-Final
P. 10

Phase I

                STEP 1:                          STEP 2:                       STEP 3:                       STEP 4:                       STEP 5:
             Focus Groups                   Member Survey                 Member Review/                    Final Plan                    Member
                   &                               &                                                            &
             Strategic Plan               Campus Master Plan               Opinion Survey                 Member Vote                     Approval

        Phase I Plan

        This plan outlines all projects that would be completed in Phase I of the
        Campus Master Plan. The details of each project are outlined on the
        following pages. The Phase I projects are as follow:

            1-1. Men’s Locker Room Building Renovation & Fitness Area Expansion
            1-2. Tennis Pavilion Renovation
            1-3. Squash Courts Conversion
            1-4. Additional Paddle Tennis Court
            1-5. Tennis Deck & Parking Structure
            1-6. Paddle Tennis Complex Upgrade
            1-7. Aquatics Complex
            1-8. Overnight Accommodations Renovation

        Overnight Accommodations Renovation

        Part of Phase I would include taking two of the acquired residential
        properties and renovating them into overnight guest cottages for our
        members. The Board recommends this project because it uses acquired
        assets with a reasonable capital investment. The properties would
        provide guest housing for events, tournaments and lodging for members
        of reciprocal clubs. It is also a desirable amenity given the location shift
        within the membership, especially among our non-residents.

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