Page 5 - MCC-2014-Booklet-Final
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Focus Groups Member Survey Member Review/ Final Plan Member
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Strategic Plan Campus Master Plan Opinion Survey Member Vote Approval
2014 Membership Survey Results The Campus Master Plan
In March 2014, the Club conducted a membership survey to get more data for With input from the membership and Strategic Plan, the Committee set out to
the facilities planning exercise. A total of 2,523 (67%) of the 3,776 surveys sent develop a master plan for the Club site, Clubhouse and recreational facilities.
out were returned for tabulation. The results provided a 95% level of confidence Their intention was to develop a solution that is sensitive to the neighborhood
that they provide an accurate representation of the opinions of the entire as we are committed to neighborly relations while maximizing and repurposing
membership. Below are some of the results from the survey: our existing spaces before recommending building any new ones. The
Committee wanted the master plan to strictly adhere to the membership’s
• Members strongly agreed that the Club should expand their services, feedback and desires by providing the facilities that support the Club’s Vision of
programs and amenities offered to seniors, families and children being a multi-generational club with excellent facilities for socializing, racquet
• There is significant dissatisfaction with the following: sports, fitness/wellness and family activities. Their approach was to move
» Amount of available parking forward on executing what the Club must have which is:
» Lack of group exercise space
» Size of the fitness area • Enhanced member experience
» Number of indoor tennis courts • Developed membership
» Number of softball squash courts • Engaging member programs
» Number of paddle courts • Balanced athletic programs
• As a corollary to the dissatisfaction, members identified the following • Excellence in Food & Beverage services
items as top priority facility improvements they would like to see: • Maintained value proposition
» Increase the parking capacity
» Expand and improve the fitness area The Board of Government recommends this proposed Campus Master Plan as
» Provide additional single softball squash courts it addresses major, recommended priority facility needs identified in the 2014
» Provide an additional food and beverage area for individuals wearing membership survey (i.e. parking, fitness, squash, tennis, etc.), it stabilizes the
sports attire to use membership, uses existing resources before building new, strengthens and
» Provide a multipurpose recreational outdoor pool for families and broadens the Club’s offerings and ensures our long-term sustainability.
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