Page 4 - MCC-2014-Booklet-Final
P. 4

Planning Background

                STEP 1:                          STEP 2:                       STEP 3:                       STEP 4:                       STEP 5:
             Focus Groups                   Member Survey                 Member Review/                    Final Plan                    Member
                   &                               &                                                            &
             Strategic Plan               Campus Master Plan               Opinion Survey                 Member Vote                     Approval

        In 2012, we retained McMahon Group to assist the Strategic Planning      Focus Group “Takeaways”
        Committee, Board of Government and Past Presidents in developing a strategic
        plan for the Club. As reflected in our Vision shown on the front cover, our   The Strategic Planning Committee and Board of Government invested
        primary objective is to ensure the Club remains a premier club offering superior   considerable time and effort into the development of the Strategic Plan. One
        amenities, programs and services to a large and selective membership. Among   of those steps was holding a series of focus groups to complete a current scan
        the many initiatives in the plan, the Board identified the need to develop and   of issues and identify our strategic themes. “Takeaways” from the focus groups
        follow a facilities master plan for the maintenance and enhancement of both   include:
        the Clubhouse and recreational facilities so we can provide the membership
        experience that supports our Mission and Vision with the facilities of the future.   •  Members want to maintain a balance between the traditions of the past
        The proposed Campus Master Plan would also accomplish the following:           and the preferences of the future
                                                                                     •  Members observed that competition is increasing in all forms including
            •  Provide orderly cost-effective facilities management                    clubs, sports teams and commercial outlets
            •  Address depreciation and weaknesses that have built up over time in the   •  Demographics of the Main Line are changing and it is no longer the
              facilities                                                               automatic source of new members it once was
            •  Preserve and enhance the special character of our facilities          •  Growth in dual-income households means the Club will need to adjust to
            •  Be a good neighbor                                                      the timing and scope of its programs and facilities
            •  Be environmentally friendly and operationally efficient               •  There is a desire for continued expansion of the Entertainment/Social
            •  Realize the full potential of the properties we have strategically acquired   Committee events
              over the past decade                                                   •  There is a desire for capital projects to broaden the Club’s appeal and
                                                                                       upgrade existing activities like fitness and paddle
        The Strategic Plan also identified a number of strategic themes we believe the
        proposed Campus Master Plan would help us achieve. They are:             The Strategic Plan identified the Mission Statement, Vision Statement and
                                                                                 six strategic initiatives. These include new strategies that focus in the areas
            •  Consistently excellent club experience                            of new member development, member programs, communications, etc. A
            •  Welcoming social environment including exceptional dining         major component of the Strategic Plan was the observation that we needed to
            •  Engaging social activities and programs                           systematically evaluate and solve the long-range facility needs of the Club so
            •  Excellent sports for all participants inclusive of exceptional tennis and   that the experiences we offer are relevant to changing lifestyles. This launched
              squash programs, fitness and wellness, cricket, croquet, paddle tennis   the work of the Facilities Planning Committee and resulted in the formulation of
              and other activities                                               this proposed plan.
            •  Participation from all age segments and skill levels
            •  Youth training and development
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