Page 6 - MCC-2014-Booklet-Final
P. 6

Campus Master Plan

                STEP 1:                          STEP 2:                       STEP 3:                       STEP 4:                       STEP 5:
             Focus Groups                   Member Survey                 Member Review/                    Final Plan                    Member
                   &                               &                                                            &
             Strategic Plan               Campus Master Plan               Opinion Survey                 Member Vote                     Approval

        The primary purpose of the proposed Campus Master Plan is to create a long-  We are asking you to consider this proposed Campus Master Plan which is being
        term roadmap for our facilities and reserve our rights with the Lower Merion   presented in two phases. We are suggesting two phases given the cost/capital
        Township to implement any of these projects when members determine it is   limitation, Township process, site and logistical considerations and the physical
        time to move ahead with them. The philosophy is to make use of existing or   condition of our existing facilities. We believe Phase I allows us to address the
        underutilized space (i.e. the third floor of the Men’s Locker Room Building) and   more immediate needs of the membership while Phase II allows for future
        upgrade existing areas that are already scheduled for ongoing maintenance   growth and expansion. We are only asking the membership to consider Phase I
        upgrades before adding new buildings. The Men’s Locker Room Building is a key   from an actual development and implementation perspective. The future
        case-in-point for this as it has been identified in the existing facility conditions   Phase II expense would only be considered once Phase I would be completed
        report as needing approximately $1.8 million in upgrades just to address code   and all operations evaluated. Here is how the phases would break down.
        and infrastructure problems.
                                                                                     •  Phase I:                         •   Phase II:
                                                                                            »  Men’s Locker Room Building       »  New Fitness Pavilion
        The proposed plan has been made possible by the foresight of prior                 Renovation                          (Future Growth)
        administrations and the membership to acquire 11 of the 12 residential              »  Fitness Area Expansion           »  Squash Addition
        properties that are contiguous to the Club’s site. This would allow the Club to
        tastefully and effectively expand the campus while making sure we preserve          »  Squash Courts Conversion        (Future Growth)
        the Great Lawn and adjacent spaces. The plan also maintains the residential         »  Tennis Deck & Parking            »  Tennis Bubble
                                                                                                                               (Indoor Tennis Growth)
        structure at the corners of the property to preserve the character of the           »  Tennis Pavilion Renovation       »  New Paddle Tennis Complex
                                                                                            »  Paddle Tennis Court              »  New Social Pavilion
                                                                                           Addition                             »  Indoor Walkway
        The Facilities Planning Committee was formed to oversee this planning process
        and produce a plan that will be supported by a substantial percentage of the        »  Paddle Tennis Complex            »  Grounds In-Season
        membership. Over the last year, the Committee has worked with architects,           »  Aquatics Complex                Workshop
        engineering consultants, contractors, staff and the Board to study a large          »  Overnight Accommodations
        number of alternatives and evaluate various options to develop a solution
        that would meet the needs of current and future members. This led to the
        development of the proposed Campus Master Plan.

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