Page 2 - MCC-2014-Booklet-Final
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                                              Dear Member:                                           addition of a pool is the best investment we can make for
     Plan Developed By:                                                                              this next generation. We believe that a correctly designed
                                              The Merion Cricket Club is a special and historic place.   pool could appeal to all Club demographics. Please note
     Facilities Planning Committee                           We can trace its roots back to the 1850s, making it one   that a pool was listed in the top six amenities needed in
      Pete Classen – Chair                    of the oldest private clubs in North America. The Club   our membership survey. Finally, we propose converting two

      Tom Carr                                has thrived and grown over these many years because    of the adjacent residential properties Merion owns into
      Ali Farrell                             it has maintained a sense of relevance and made smart   guest cottages for overnight accommodations. We believe
                                              investments when the membership and analysis said it
                                                                                                     it would expand our capabilities with a relatively small
      Jennifer Kinkead                        was the right thing to do. We are all beneficiaries of the   capital investment and be cash flow positive for the Club.
                                              improvements that have come from these initiatives and   We believe this package of improvements would ultimately
       Lisa Stokes – President                now it is time for us to look at what we can do to shape a   make the Club more accessible, more attractive and more
                                              stronger future for our Club.
                                                                                                     competitive, which is what is necessary to sustain it for
       Caleb Tindall – General Manager                                                               another 150 years.
       Michael Dimmerling – Controller        Over the past couple of years, the Board of Government
       Maarten Pesch, AIA – WRT Principal     and Facilities Planning Committee have been engaged in a   This booklet contains pertinent information on how we
                                              process of identifying strategic and facility plans that would   arrived at this point and what we are recommending for the
                                              assure the long-term success of our Club. This in-depth   future. It includes highlights of our research, recommended
     Professionals Involved                                               effort has included strategic planning; a facilities conditions   improvements, a funding plan and an outline of the next
      McMahon Group                           audit; reviewing major lifestyle trends affecting private   steps in this process. We have also included an Opinion
      WRT Architects & Planners               clubs across the country; studying our competition and area  Survey with this packet. It provides you the opportunity to
                                              demographics; analyzing membership trends; collecting   critique and prioritize the proposed plan and indicate your
                                              member input through focus groups and a membership     desire to see the Club move ahead with it. It also asks you
                                              survey; evaluating a wide range of options; and developing   to evaluate the funding plan.
                                              a long-range facilities plan. We are now at the point where
                                              we can bring the results of these studies to the members   Please take the time to review this booklet and provide
                                              for review and testing.                                your feedback in the Opinion Survey. We are committed
                                                                                                     to developing a plan that is supported by a substantial
                                              After considerable deliberation, we propose this Campus   majority of the membership and will be effective in
                                              Master Plan. It would deepen our current offering and   achieving our long-term goals. This can only happen if as
                                              broaden it with additional amenities. In our focus groups   many members as possible provide their input. Thank you
                                              and membership survey, you told us that fitness, parking,   for your time and support throughout this process. The
                                              squash, tennis and paddle are areas you want expanded.   Club is important to all of us and this process will see that it
                                              You will see proposed solutions in each of these areas. We   remains one of the area’s premier private clubs.
                                              also feel the addition of a recreation/fitness pool is critical
                                              to the Club’s ongoing sustainability. We have a continuing   Regards,
                                              downward trend in our membership levels with particular
                                              emphasis on young families. The buying behaviors of this   Pete Classen
                                              group continually change and the best data suggests the   Chair, Facilities Planning Committee
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