P. 5
The Kazova textile workers were deceived, had their rights
taken from them and were locked out of the factory where they
had worked for years. The greatest strength of the Kazova workers
was their value as WORKERS. When they worked in the factory
sometimes they went without sleep, they carried tons of freight
around, with their eyes and hands produced and wove sweaters,
loop by loop. They sweated with labour so as to earn their bread
and keep a roof over their heads. On the other hand, the bosses
who could change their car or their motor every day and put no
labour of their own into making sweaters still coveted what the
pittance that the workers earned. So the workers were cheated out
of four months’ wages and were not given notice or severance pay
and they did what they could to remove the machines in the fac-
tory from the workers’ hands. They did not realise how angry the
workers would be Those who do not know what it is to sweat in
order to earn a living cannot know the anger of those who receive
nothing for their labour. The Somuncus did not see this anger of
the workers. And this anger created the Kazova resistance.
We want to tell you the story of Kazova. We want you to hear
it from the Kazova workers themselves. Their actions, their periods
of resistance, the factory occupation, their founding of a new
workshop, the news that came out in the newspapers, pictures…
All this we will try to present.
Kazova is still upright. Under the name of Resisting Kazova,
it continues. This story is the story of all of us…