P. 8

involved a group of the workers and lawyers and the DIH. The
        DIH said that this was not a matter that could be resolved just by
        resorting to lawyers and it would be necessary to carry out actions
        together. For workers to be able to get their rights it was necessary
        to resort to legitimate struggle as well as by taking legal action, the
        DIH said. Even before work had gone badly the bosses had coveted

        what the workers earned. In general, they transferred their prop-
        erty to others, saying “There is nothing left for you” and said they
        were freed of their workers. And the stat’s labour courts pursue a
        general policy of stretching out court proceedings so the bosses
        can gain time and at the end of court proceedings the bosses’ prop-
        erty is in the hands of bailiffs, and the workers are told, “You have
        won, get the property from the bailiffs,” so they workers are dis-

        tracted and the bosses are assisted, as they described. After these
        speeches we decided to take action as the Kazova workers, and to-
        gether with DIH we worked out an action plan. The Halkin
        Hukuk Burosu (People’s Law Bureau) would start legal proceed-
        ings and this was the task given to it. We would march to Taksim
        with the DIH at the head and go to Galatasaray high school on
                                                    Saturday  evenings,
                                                    and  every  Wednes-
                                                    day  afternoon  we
                                                    would go from Sisli

                                                    Square  to  the  fac-
                                                    tory  in  Bomonti
                                                    and read out a press
                                                    statement, while on
                                                    weekends we would
                                                    protest  in  front  of

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