P. 9

the bosses’ house to expose what they were doing.

               We were excited. For the first time in our lives we would carry
          out an action.

               We decided to carry out the first action on February 28, 2013,
          in Taksim. On that date we started to gather in Taksim. We were

          excited but we were also not sure what we were doing. We recog-
          nised other worker friends at the action, we listened to their prob-
          lems, we explained our problems to them. We asked other workers
          how to shout slogans. We were a bit shy. For us, going to Taksim
          in a crowd of other people was not something we had thought of
          doing before. Even encountering people we knew was a little bit
          frightening. We started to march. They wanted us to form into a

          block of marchers. How could we do that?

               We took our place behind a banner with the words “We will
          not allow Umit Somuncu to take away our rights” and we began
          to march. Some of us did not shout slogans, some forgot and just

               We marched and arrived in front of Galatasaray High School.
          After reading out a press statement as workers, we sat down with
          our DIH friends and assessed the situation.

               We were very happy and sure of ourselves after the action.
          We had got to know workers like ourselves whose rights were taken
          away and it gave us a feeling of confidence that people would sup-
          port us because we had marched to expose the bosses and for our
          rights and honour. We would put pressure on our bosses. We had
          served them for 20, 30 years, we had come to work even when we
          were ill, we had come to work even when our wives and children

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