P. 14
more we understand, the more we will resist and win.
We went in front of the factory again on the morning of May
2. When we saw the spent gas capsules lying on the ground, we
realised it had been a good idea to pause the tent resistance for a
day. We created a new duty roster and made our plans.
Giving May Day events as an excuse, the government banned
all actions in Taksim. Every Saturday we are carrying out an action
with other workers, but they say, don’t come, we are intervening.
It is necessary for us to take part in greater numbers this time be-
cause Dilan is in a coma and we want to link our promise to
Dilan’s struggle for life.
So we decided to go to Taksim again on May 4. While we pre-
pared our march, they prepared to attack workers with TOMAs
and police truncheons for the crime of struggle for the fruits of
their labour. We formed our block of marchers and began to
march. After 3 or 4 metres we encountered police with riot shields.
A TOMA policeman made an announcement, “What you are
doing is illegal, please disperse, otherwise we will intervene.” We
try to march but we are up against the shields, we remember Dilan
but the water cannon blasts push us to the ground, and when we
are on the ground they attack us with gas and truncheons. They
attack us as far as the German consulate and we disperse. This
event is the Kazova workers’ first encounter with the police.
One of the workers said, “If it had been one on one, I would
have shown them.” And with those words our evening ended. Our
tent resistance continued. The workers who had been afraid to
greet us now said hello, they even had breakfast in the tent. As in